Famicom Cart Labels

Started by Virtvic, June 22, 2024, 08:34:44 am

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Is there a Famicom cart label generator / App?
I am getting a NES Tetris cart made for Famicom and would like to make up a pulse line style label for it.


Stoneagegamer has stencils for Famicom N8 labels. I definitely wish we had more to go off of.



What kind of template do you need? Just label dimensions or?
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I have recently made a Tetris (NES version) out of a Super Baseball 88 donor cart ands wanted to make a nice pulseline style label for it. As I am a terrible artist, thought there might be a program that could change colours, text etc on a template of a pulse line label.

The basic  size is 90mm x 43mm with approx 2mm corner rads.