Program Manager as Windows 7 interface

Started by FAMICOM_87, October 03, 2019, 11:14:44 am

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Program Manager was the main interface for Windows up to versions 3.11 and NT 3.51, and file management was implemented with program called File Manager.
From Windows 95 and NT 4 this GUI was replaced with "Windows Explorer" and this is still to this day.
Here is the feeling from the past using this user interface with programs like paint , clock and the File Manager on Windows 7  ;D  I replaced windows shell "Windows Explorer.exe" with "Program.exe"  :crazy:


October 03, 2019, 01:12:37 pm #1 Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 01:17:51 pm by krzy
Isn't it funny that those Win16 apps still works on 64 bit interface?

I started my computer adventures in 1997 with Win 95, then Wind 95 + Internet Exploer Addng (which gradually modified the Win95 interface), then Win 98, and then XP and my adventure stopped.
But I was always fascinated with the Win3.11 windows styles (different buttons, different program window border).

There was something useless in Win3.11 called PIFMGR.EXE


October 03, 2019, 02:58:04 pm #2 Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 03:10:53 pm by FAMICOM_87
hehe actually those are from Windows NT 3.51 and they are 32bit :)

I started my PC adventures in about 1994 with Windows 3.1/11 , then 95B/C,  95 + IE 4 update explorer (just like you) , 98SE , 2000,  ME (for test only)  then XP all service packs for many years , and just resantly updated to Windows 7  x86 (Yes because I have only 3GB ram, and in 32 bit version I can use some Win XP drivers for devices that do not have Win 7 drivers)

Post Merge: October 03, 2019, 03:10:53 pm

Quote from: krzy on October 03, 2019, 01:12:37 pm
There was something useless in Win3.11 called PIFMGR.EXE

PIF editor is for configuring memory for DOS programs it is just a separate program like File Manager , and in 95 and above they are part of Windows Explorer :) 
It is more interesting to check out between Win 3.x and Win 95 (4.0)  releases , and see how the interface involved :)
Windows are little mess with kernel version and official names
DOS based Windows:
4.0 - 95
4.1 - 98
4.9 - ME

NT based Windows:
5.0 - 2000
5.1 - XP
5.2 - 2003
6.0 - Vista
6.1 - 7 (hahaha they fucked that up)
6.2 - 8 ( continuing haha)
6.3 - 8.1 (I have no words for this haha)
10 -10 (They released that and just say Fuck it :D we are doing like JP vs US with Final fantasy 7! haaha)



Take a look at windows chicago - it was something between win3.11 and win95, beta version, for testers only, at least two different versions existed with some major differences.


Quote from: krzy on October 04, 2019, 04:10:06 am
Take a look at windows chicago - it was something between win3.11 and win95, beta version, for testers only, at least two different versions existed with some major differences.

Chicago Build 58 - August 1993

Chicago Build 73 - November 1993

Chicago" Beta-1


October 24, 2023, 12:35:20 am #5 Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 04:42:55 pm by UglyJoe
Program Manager and File Manager take me back to the early days of Windows. It's incredible how far the user interface has come since then. I remember the simple joys of Paint and Clock on Windows 7 too. 


I do not use windows after 7 or (Server 2008)
I am using Linux instead.
Everything after Windows 7 is total rubbish and looks awful.