(Famicom related) Happiness is...

Started by AB Positive, July 14, 2008, 01:06:26 pm

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AB Positive

for me, right now, Happiness is playing Legend of Zelda on my new Famicom Twin... with working disk drive and everything! I even got more games than was pictured, a few extra common carts.

You'll have to pardon me, I need to play me some Zelda.
Just started the fami collection... want to finish a pulse line collection to start. :)


I'm having the same happiness as you right now! ;D I received my legend of Zelda disk for my disk system a couple of days ago, and it's much more enjoyable than on the NES for some reason :P Screaming in the mic to kill off those bunny things; I LIKE IT! 8)  But even though this isn't famicom related, I'm also enjoying all of the Phoenix Wright games one at a time on my DS. Might be one of the best series of games I ever played. :)


My Famicom happiness right now -- if that's what we're doing in this thread -- is having received my Kunio set. Can't wait to try out some in the series that I've never played...


My Famicom happiness is watching my friend get totally owned and cheated of victory playing Yie Ar Kung Fu....while I snatch the controller away and show him how its done! ;D
Dance, puppets... dance!


Happiness is playing Robot Block with my Famicom Robot.  I wanted one ever since I was 5 and I finally got one last year. 
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Famicom Happiness is never stop to play, even you get old enough to see your grandsons growing up and playing...
...your Famicom with you!


Right now, my Famicom happiness comes from the disks I have been getting my hands on recently.

Super Mario Bros 2j
Bubble Bobble
Bio Miracle Bukette Upa (sp?)
Doki Doki Panic
Roger Rabiot (Crazy Castle graphic hack)

I don't have a disk system [yet], but these games, and hopefully more games that I get my hands on in the future will give me a reason to go out and get one. :)


Famicom Happiness is today is the Famicom's 25th anniversary!


My happiness is seing the heavy weight set-up in my games room of my Famicom kit  - repin hard  ;D  ;D 
Plant you, feed you, grow you like a flower, like NINTENDO now you're playing with power!!


My Famicom happiness is getting a package of 5 games in the mail and spending all night playing through them....
...figuring out the street fighter moves of Kart Fighter... trying to stay alive against the 2nd boss of Contra 8...going through all the pirate games to find any gems I have overlooked
Dance, puppets... dance!


...Putting a disk in and being able to play the game.


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