Where can you find a Sega Nomad?

Started by keiffer01, January 18, 2008, 12:12:21 pm

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If I remember correctly the Game Gear was 8-bit and not capable of playing Genesis games. I think that converter plays Master System games.


True. You can only play Master System Games on the Game Gear. Which is also very nice I guess.


August 08, 2008, 05:17:24 pm #17 Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 07:24:33 pm by wentle85
It's possible you might find one for a deal but it's going to take forever and even then probably won't happen. There's one getting ready to end on ebay that is just a clean system, no box and it's already $122. Vintage gaming prices have exploded in the last 5+ years. Not even just the rarer stuff either, everything. People with money are willing to pay out large sums to get the things their parents wouldn't buy them as kids so any intelligent shop owner is going to raise the price accordingly. Pay to play, it's what the games industry is built on.


Hey thanks for the link nurd! Now thats a good price! :) I just hope it isn't already sold!

EDIT; just realized he only ships in the US! :( Hope he can make an exception for Canada.


Found one yet?

There is a Boxed (Not new, though) Nomad at Toyriffic for $99.95


That's a pretty cheap nomad. I wonder if he sold it yet...I think he would have taken it out right?
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Why not send him a message?
I wouldn't wonder though if it's gone already. Good and tempting price.


I don't really want the nomad besides already spent the extra money I had this week....
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com