You have got to be effing kidding me!!!!! I give up!

Started by vealchop, October 16, 2006, 11:40:15 am

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you're not going to believe the collection this guy has. collects like these just make me want to quit trying. If you don't want to get depressed about nintendo stuff you'll never own, stay away from this link, the stuff he has is amazing:



That makes me want to collect more, I want those things to see what they are. ;D

Funny item:


Some of that stuff is from the 60's, I doubt you'll ever see these things in better condition. And if the guy knows the value of what he's got (which I'm sure he does) they'll sell for thousands upon thousands. That's if he decides to let them go, which I doubt. It sure is cool to look at though huh? I wonder if the vaccum cleaner still works!


That's some nice collection.
I guess it's very hard to find such stuff today. But should I run across something like that some time in Japan  I'd be sure to grab it. That old toys and machines are so cool. ;D


I hear Osaka is the best place to find the really old Nintendo stuff, seeing as they were headquartered there.


Big towns are good. You'll find the best deals in the Tokyo area, Osaka, Kyoto or Nagoya.

When I studied in Fukuoka in 2003/04 there was lots of stuff, too, but I didn't have that much money, so I had to let a lot of interesting things in the stores. If I had had the money, my collection would now be 5 times the size it is now. :D


Jesus! I should have believed your word and never open that link. :-[


I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.