The Goonies

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:14:27 am

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Hi guys. I'm getting a blast playing goonies in my famicom. I couldn't remember though where to find the secrets ( boots, raincoat, ear phones) as I last played this game more than 10 years ago. Help please, thanks!!!


Yeah ditto...  I just got this game recently, and am getting my ass kicked trying to rescue the 4th Goonie.

Also, does anyone know the story as to why this game was never released over here (besides on the Vs. machines)...   I mean it's a good game made by Konami, based on an American movie that just happened to be a huge hit, and it didn't even need to be translated. Not to mention that we ended up with Goonies II, which made everyone over here think "WtF Goonies II? What happened to the first Goonies?". I'm interested to know why this one was never released.


Is the 4th one the one where there's lots of slippery ice looking areas? Because that's what's handing my ass to me right now. I've got everything, but I can't find the exit...


That might be the 5th level....  I'm on the level with the huge boulders that are on pullies that move up and down, and kill instantly...   ugh.


It's the third level it seems...where the hell is the exit in that level?

Agent X

Quote from: DevIancE on February 09, 2007, 11:27:35 pm
Also, does anyone know the story as to why this game was never released over here (besides on the Vs. machines)...   I mean it's a good game made by Konami, based on an American movie that just happened to be a huge hit, and it didn't even need to be translated. Not to mention that we ended up with Goonies II, which made everyone over here think "WtF Goonies II? What happened to the first Goonies?". I'm interested to know why this one was never released.

Dunno if you're even still actively posting here, but if you are: 

I too wondered this for a long, long time.  From what I was told from a Lady who came in with about 200 Famicom carts back in 1996 at a local video game store [Game World, before being bought up by E.B.], who's ex husband was a Konami employee over in Japan... the reason had to do with licensing the Cyndi Lauper GOONIES *theme* song.  As in Konami of Japan didn't have the rights to use it but did it anyhow.  I don't know if this is the real reason or not, but when a middle aged white chick who didn't play games herself knew all about Famicom and stuff Konami, I tend to think she knew what she was talking about.  I'm of the belief that Konami could have just changed the theme song to something generic but didn't want to.  I played the hell out of the game on the VS. arcade cabs and awaited it's NES debut, only to learn that Goonies 2 was only available. :(  I honestly prefer the original and don't like part two at all.  But aside from any licensing troubles outside of Japan and Asia concerning Cyndi Lauper (or Arista Records, or whatever label she was on and the film company that released the game) the game was a bit simplistic compared to Super Mario Bros. and likely Konami didn't think the game would sell to well.  In fact the graphics are only slightly better than the MSX Computer version on the Famicom.  When the game Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake made the jump to mobile phones in Asia as well as on the MGS 3 Subsistence pack, all the old in-game avatars were switched from the likenesses of Hollywood actors/actresses to a more "Solid-esque" likeness as well. 

GOONIES was the third cartridge I purchased for my AV FAMICOM in 2004, and I still have yet to beat it.  I actually used to get further in the game as a kid on the VS. arcade cabs!  I don't know if I lack the patience to do it, since after (3) continues I quit, or if I just really suck this bad at age 30, as getting past the first 4 areas was a cinch in 1988/89, but not so much now.
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X