Forum and website downtime: We apologize!

Started by Alex930, July 29, 2006, 11:48:42 pm

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The guy on the phone from customer service told me to do as well, he said file a formal complaint. I'm a little paranoid that when I go in she will be the big boss because she actually was in one the their big offices. That would almost be funny if she was the local manager.

The guy also said he can't touch the first two charges and he could do nothing about the third yet till it had cleared(it was still pending). At this point I would be thrilled to get rid of the third charge. How much money do they think they can get really, i mean, if i'm getting overdraft charges that usually means the person didn't have shit in the first place so WHY do they add more charges. Isn't two enough.


I once had a friend get 8 overdraft charges. I called for him and got all but one removed. They CAN remove them. I have several friends who work in banks and all the overdraft charges can be removed from their systems. Remember that overdrafts are their profits, so if you accept what they say, they've won money they didn't really earn.

If you bank with US Bank or some other national bank, they all have "overdraft" protection, which is typically a line of credit with a high interest rate. If you overdraft, it goes onto that account and you can pay it off when you have the money (preferably quickly so it doesn't accrue interest). There are no overdraft fees associated with these accounts, so it saves you if you do this often. You may want to ask. May be a nice bargaining chip to have your fees removed, too. Say you'll sign up for this service if they can help you out by removing two of the 3 overdrafts. I'd call again after the third overdraft clears.


That's a good point. Any chance i could just get you to call and i'll cut you a percent of whatever you save me?


I'd be more than happy to give you ideas about how to go about it, but, unfortunately, there are way too many personal details I'd have to know to be successful--things like bank account #'s, full name, account password, transaction history (number of times you've done this in the past), where & how you overdrafted (was it a store purchase, online credit transaction, amount of the transaction), who you spoke with at the branches/call centers, what was said, etc. Your account is notated with each call or in-person discussion you have about things like overdrafts. I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing all this info and it'd be illegal for me to represent myself as you--which is why the business idea wouldn't work too well. You should be able to work with them, especially if they've never removed an overdraft fee before. Although, this depends on how small your bank is, too. Local banks don't tend to be as lenient.


Yeah, I'm aware of that, more just wishful thinking. There's a bank all the way a cross town I used to deal with that was alot more helpful than the one I went to today, I'm going to try making a trip there and see what happens.


Some may have noticed the entire site was down today and was auto-linking to some weird ass foreign site. No one has a clue what happened but the problem seems to have ceased. :D


Quote from: JC on December 01, 2008, 02:47:19 pm
it was auto-linking to some weird ass foreign site.

lol yeah it was pretty weird :P

Jedi Master Baiter