Famicom Power Supply Question

Started by Drifty, October 28, 2008, 07:39:46 pm

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Just a shot in the dark but maybe someone here knows.

I recently got my hands on a Famicom (1983) and it appears that the power/RF supply has a blown thick film resistor (I think its a "P' type). If you opened up the console from the bottom, took out the the power supply and flipped it over, it's screwed into the left side of the metal cover. It's black with three prongs (the middle is probably a ground). Of course right where the specs would be listed is what's missing...all that's legible is NEC. If my description is confusing I could open her back up and take a picture.

Just curious if anyone knows the resistance or if there's a spec sheet out there for the circuit board. I've searched all over without luck on both English and Japanese sites.


I think you're talking about the 7805 power regulator. If it's blown, replace it.
Also replace the main fuse if present.


Interesting!  I might not know enough about electronics to do this, but I'd certainly like to get one of my damaged Famicoms working again if at all possible.

How does one go about replacing said fuse?  I opened up my Famicom to see if I could find any damage, and there's that big metal plate in the way.  How do I get inside THAT, for starters...?


You can remove the metal plate by just prying it up and off. It comes off pretty easily. I just used a flat blade screwdriver. Once you're inside, you can just solder in a wire to bypass the fuse, or solder in a new fuse. I just bypassed the fuse in mine.


I guess if the thing is already damaged, I hav nothing to lose by trying (i.e. don't need to worry about further potential damage).

Thanks!  I'll let you know how it goes if/when I finally get around to it.