Pokemon on the Famicom?

Started by Lorfarius, December 25, 2008, 11:20:56 am

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Trium Shockwave

I'm not sure a Pokemon for the Famicom - or any TV console - is worth doing. The reason Pokemon works is because of its portability and the ability to link to other people. At Pokemon's height, it was easy to just find people playing it (especially at like school or comic shops) and have a pick-up match, or trade. You might be able to have it work now that you have Wi-Fi on the Wii, just use the existing match-up and trading system they're already using for Diamond and Pearl. Still, it wouldn't really be "Pocket" Monsters if it was on the Wii. That, and most of my leveling up and catching things was done as I was away from home with nothing better to do. I was never big on mind numbing level grinding and Pokemon hunting when there were other things I could be doing.


I'm probably just a nut but I never bothered with any of the net side of Pokemon. I prefered the fact you could play it at your leisure, hunting all corners of the game world and seeing as I always played it at home a console version would have been much better for me. I'm just curious really to see if its ever been done pirate wise (which to some comments prior it has) and what it plays like. If anyone would be willing to record a short vid of gameplay onto Youtube Id love to watch  ;D
My own Retro gaming YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Lorfarius