Did the game *Run Saber* get released in Japan?

Started by Agent X, March 13, 2009, 09:03:00 pm

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Quote from: manuel on March 17, 2009, 09:32:14 pm
Again we're back to "taste". And thank god we all don't have the same taste.

Indeed. I like both the SFC and the SNES design. It's clear that they've been designed for different markets, and they both have their unique beauty. My girlfriend likes the SFC more, and I hope to add a SFC to my collection in the future :).

I don't like the mini SNES that much, but as manuel said I'd like to own one for the collection. I dislike it more for technical reasons than aesthetic ones though.


And someday I'll get an American SNES, too. It's my favourite console, so I got to have all versions. :D


Also the American SNES can be truly universal! Cut the tabs off, do the 50/60Hz mod, solder a CIC from a game directly to the CIC of the console and you've got yourself a console that can run every SNES/SFC game ever created!