Man holds woman hostage for ten hours...

Started by 133MHz, March 18, 2009, 06:06:16 pm

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This is just crazy. At least people still find usage to old gaming peripherals.
Retro Gaming Life


Quote from: FamicomFreak on March 21, 2009, 11:18:21 am
At least people still find usage to old gaming peripherals.

Best. Reasoning. Ever.


Wow!  I can't wait!  *Goes to Brazil w/ SuperScope*
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -

Blue Protoman

*goes to Brazil with Game Player light gun and a Menacer*
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Agent X

May as well head to Brazil with the "Virtua Cop" light guns
and assist you guys.  I mean, if we're taking old school stuff
might as well.  Should I bring a PHOTON or Laser Tag gun
too?  ;D
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X


I'm going to take rob hostage and hold it with my zapper. awaaaa!
Retro Gaming Life

Agent X

is in effect, when do we
board the plane for Brazil?
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X


Where do you get the name "Operation BOO!"?  Just wondering :P

I say we board THE CHOPPA at 0600 hours.  I'll make sure to bring extra batteries for my SuperScope :P
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -

Agent X

Well I thought it make sense since we're joking around about  "scaring people in Brazil" with light guns for aging video game systems is all.  Kind of my play on Taito's "Operation" gun games like Operation Wolf or Operation Thunderbolt.  So you know... we rise up with our SMS Zillion Guns, Konami Enforcers, Sega Menacers, Sega Virtua Cop Guns, Nintendo Super Scopes, and whatever else and yell:  BOO!

I dunno, just sounded funny in my mind I guess.  ;)
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X


Every time I see the game Operation Thunderbolt I think I'll be playing an Israeli commando invading Uganda. There was an Israeli Military Operation called Thunderbolt in real life.

Blue Protoman

I brought a few Time Crisis guns I cut off from arcade machines!  Let's bring a little Namco to some Brazilians!
BP's Domain
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Hey, guys! I brought a power glove- wait that's not what we're doing. D:<
( ยด_ゝ`)

Blue Protoman

That's OK.  You can still threaten to Falcon Punch people.
BP's Domain
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hahahah awesome the power glove can do the trick!
Retro Gaming Life