Need help from someone in Japan

Started by bongoben, June 30, 2009, 10:23:39 am

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Hey... I have been looking for information on VS. Balloon Fight (for the Nintendo VS. arcade system).  It was a Japan-only released game for this arcade system (back in 1984, I believe) which means that it can't be found anywhere over here.  I have found only 1 Japanese website that makes any mention of it and they have something for sale for 42,000 yen (which I believe is $400.00+).  Is there anyone over in Japan that has any knowledge of the VS. system?  I would love to find the game chips, marquee, and/or an instruction card from this system if at all possible.  Well, I guess I will leave it at that and we can take it from there.



Could you post a link to said site? Might help a bit.


Sorry... here's the link.

The VS. Balloon Fight is about 80% of the way down the page just below Donkey Kong 3.


Vs Balloon Fight wasn't Japanese machine only. It was indeed put in America as well. As for info, It's one of the harder vs machines to find. So good luck on trying to find it at all.

The best I can give is this link and hope for the best.

Sorry I cant be of more help.


Quote from: TanookiSuitSam on June 30, 2009, 07:10:05 pm
Vs Balloon Fight wasn't Japanese machine only. It was indeed put in America as well. As for info, It's one of the harder vs machines to find. So good luck on trying to find it at all.

I didn't realize that it was also released in the US.  I actually have a set of burned chips coming my way (I already have the necessary PPUs and CPUs) to get this game running on my upright dualsystem cab... I am really interested in finding a marquee though.  I realize this is a nearly impossible task but I figure if I start searching hard now then maybe someday I might find one.  I am thinking of designing a temporary set of BF marquees for my cab (as well as for a few other people who are interested) until the day comes along that someone uncovers one and gets it reproduced.

Thanks for the help thus far.  If anyone here happens to have a lead on any of this VS. Balloon Fight stuff do let me know as a large cross-section of arcade collectors would be insanely thankful for anything (artwork especially) that was found. :)
