does anyone know how to buy stuff from this website?

Started by famiac, September 12, 2009, 11:38:43 am

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That's a Taiwainese site. You most likely need a contact in Taiwan to buy stuff for you.  I don't think many sellers will ship outside of Taiwan.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Don't think so. You need someone with a Taiwanese bank account, address, and the whole shabang before you can order from places like that. The only bidding services that exist are for English sites (For sniping) and perhaps for the odd Japanese website.


I buy from there through a friend who lives there. That's the only way, I think.


I've tried buying from there before but it gets complicated. In some experiences (i.e mine) you'll find someone who overcharges you a LOT. Commission plus other expenses. I personally don't intend to ever use it again since I spent a lot last time just for one game.

Either way, a Taiwanese friend is the only way you'll find. Good luck finding one :P


I've had a much better experience. The games are super cheap every time, except for a few, like Rockman 6 in 1, Doki Doki Panic, Super Mario Bros. 2j -- that's about it.


In general, I find making any kinds of purchase from Chinese websites a hassle unless you live there. The second they find out your from a foreign country they tend to jack up the prices a lot and that's even if you manage to find a way to pay them without a Chinese bank account, or worse, if you don't know Chinese. Like other people have said its best to have family or a friend help you, if at all. At least that way you won't be double gouged by high prices + commissions.

Even with the help of my cousin who lives in China, doing anything takes a long time and its a lot of headache to manage. I can't even begin to think how much more trouble it would be for someone without the Chinese background/family.


My experience exactly. Some games I've gotten from my friend in Taiwan(not from auction sites), I'm not sure exactly how much he bought them for himself, but when a foreigner comes looking for it, he knows that it's worth more to them so the price automatically goes up a bit I think (I'm only making an assumption here since the prices have been more than I expected).  Guess sometimes it's unavoidable though. If you really want something, you get it, so ya...  :P

Dante Vale

I would rather focus more on Mexico,Argentina & Peru. Avoid buying from Taiwan if you're a newbie. Don't say we didn't warn you. The prices will skyrocket once they know you're from USA or Europe. Unless your good friend can be trusted buying for you at a bargain price.

If you're looking for pirates, then China it the main market. But study the pattern where will these games ended up in? Best bet it will land in Asia - Hong Kong, Thailand & Malaysia. ( The 3 Golden Triangle )


I know that apparently a lot of pirates are to be found in Argentina and other such places now. That seems to be where all the SNES pirates and a couple of hard-to-find genesis pirates come from. So far my friend in Taiwan can't find a single SNES pirate, so I know those are more likely to come up elsewhere, so it seems now anyways.

Your BEST bet? Take a trip down to any of the places mentioned; you'll likely find something you're looking for.  :D


Even a Taiwanese friend is kind of a clumsy way. It's possible, but kind of cumbersome.
I would just go there like Bramsworth said.
Sorry folks.


I'd just request whatever you want on this message board. A lot of good stuff comes up. You can let me know what you're looking for also and I can tell you if I ever get an opportunity to get it.

People get a lot of great things here and I think it's probably your best option. Don't wanna spend lots on a plane ticket just so you can hunt pirates :P