Recca: Summer Carnival '92

Started by JC, September 21, 2006, 07:05:34 am

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Where can you buy weekly famitsu? unless you live in Japan manuel?




Hm... I buy it when I'm in Japan.
Or if I want one I have it sent to me by my mother-in-law.  ;)

Otherwise there are sometimes Famitsus on ebay.
And there have to be some online bookstores that have it. Postage could become expensive, though, because Famitsu is so heavy.


retroware has a review of this game on their site. It's their newest episode
Retro Gaming Life


Does "Recca" mean "Flare" -- I saw a pirate label that says "Flare" under "Recca"?


The kanji used for Recca is 烈火, which means "raging fire; conflagration" according to JDIC.  Example sentences seem to define it as "raging mad" or to be furious, or something to that extent.


 I've finally been playing my Recca cart, and I had been dying often on the level after the second boss.  Just a moment ago, I finally beat the silver dragon/snake thing...then the game did something I don't recall seeing in any other shooter game...the level goes backwards, then backwards at hyperspeed...then another harder version of the dragon/snake thing...then forwards again...then I died  :P  

I'm sure this isn't news to most people, but I had no idea it did that.  

Does anyone know of any other shooter game that goes backwards?  

And does anyone keep their high scores for that game? (I usually don't care about scores, but with this game, I find one of my main goals is to beat my previous score)  I just got 1,187,399 (next to nothing I'm sure, but I keep increasing it each time I play).   Unfortunately the game seems to give me a bit of a headache. 


I dunno what my final score was, but the best I've ever done in one go was beat the first game, and then got about halfway through the second one.  I've beat the 2nd game on an emulator, but that doesn't count. :P
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There's little reason to play Recca's Normal mode for score. As keeping the bomb fully charged increases your score, it's trivial to just sit on your ass during boss fights and rack up the points. And in Hard mode you can max out the score counter fairly easily.

Now, the caravan modes are where it's at. My best in 2-minute mode is 512,801.