Selling some more Famicom games

Started by nensondubois, May 08, 2010, 12:59:41 pm

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May 08, 2010, 12:59:41 pm Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 05:33:39 pm by nensondubois
Taking Offers: Will trade for pulseline games liike Ice Climber, Super Mario Bros., Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, Urban Champion, Devil World, Gomoku Narabe, or Hello Kitty world.
Takeshi no San goku Fuuumko
ASCII The Best Play Baseball special
(Red Cart) Bandai Wrestling
Saint Saiya: Ouyan Denetsu - Dragon Ball Z
Bikkurimn World - Geteitou Sei Senshi
Maikyuu Kumikoyo
Namco Fighting Game
Circus Charlie

Gold Honeybee Famicom to NES Converter

Bump, one item taken

WHAT THE FUCK!?!? A POST MERGE!?!? >:( This place is getting worse everyday with all it's new rules.


That's why you just wait a few days, get a bump post, and then just delete and repost that.  It's not that big of a deal.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


It's still annoying.

Honeybee sold.

Lee Yo

I saw in another thread you also have a NES to famicom Converter.

Is that a HoneyBee as well?

How much are you asking?

Lee Yo

I'm talking about this Thread:

The OP is looking for a Converter to Play his NES carts on his Famicom system. You said you have one and I was wondering what kind of Converter you have.

A gyromite Converter will NOT allow you to play NES carts on a Famicom.


I misread it as Famicom to NES converter. I apologise.