Chinese Originals - Possible restock!

Started by Trenton_net, May 13, 2010, 08:02:34 pm

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i heart yuna

sounds great. do you have any kind of minimum? because I will take Golden Sun and Biohazard if you'll ship those two to me.
Famicom Club!



There is no minimum to any purchase. However if your trying to purchase games that qualify for the combo deal, naturally you need to buy 3 games (to make it a combo). If your interested in buying any game eligible for the combo deal separately, the price is $29. If your still interested, shoot me a PM with your shipping location and I can arrange the order for you.



Likely $29 or $39 but I won't know until I get more information regarding the quantity and quality of the items in question.


I know that Metroid II is released in China, is it possible for you to have it boxed and complete ?
My Metroid collection :


I don't think Trenton is getting anything besides boxed Waixing and Nanjing games. I'm surprised everyone keeps asking for other stuff that isn't that, it's probably not gonna happen :P


Ya, I'm only going for mainstream games released by well known companies because it's the only way to guarantee any kind of standards. For those games they have standard releases, the company actually acknowledges it's existence, and you can get them reliably through the supply chain. For hacks, mods, and obsure multi-carts its a crap shoot.


I forget if I mentioned it to you before but there's still a port of the SNES game Terranigma that supposedly exists from Nanjing that I've yet to see anywhere. If you can see the Chinese I type, it's called 天地創造. I can already make a guess it's based off the engine that Zelda Minish Cap game uses(call it a hunch?), but I gotta see, and my contacts can't find it anywhere at all.


Interesting. I guess I'll have to keep an eye out for it if it does exist.