Street Gangs AKA River City Ransom - PAL NES

Started by MattyD, August 03, 2010, 08:24:33 am

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I've got a boxed copy of the UK / Australia release of River City Ransom I don't need any more since I've got the Famicom version. I'm looking for about £15 for it but I'm open to offers.

It's a PAL cartridge so I think it will only be of interest to folks in the UK or Australia, and possibly some European countries.

I'll post it free to the UK and Ireland. Airmail to the EU is £2 and Australia / New Zealand is around £3.50. Anywhere else please ask me.

There's a picture of it here which is upside down for some reason, but you get the picture(!).

This is also listed on ebay so if you read this after Saturday 7th August and I haven't posted otherwise, assume it's gone.

Thanks for looking :)