NEW SALE! - Chinese Mega Drive Originals (+Bonus Offers!)

Started by Trenton_net, August 02, 2010, 01:40:20 pm

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August 02, 2010, 01:40:20 pm Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 07:01:57 pm by Trenton_net
UPDATE: All items were pulled. I'm going to try and work with the suppliers to get the right covers and box material for these items. I'll repost as items become available again.


Just a suggestion, but if you make enough profit, you should invest some of it in official systems, so you can test the games on those as well too, as I know many of your games don't work on official systems.
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August 02, 2010, 02:05:40 pm #2 Last Edit: August 02, 2010, 02:21:07 pm by Trenton_net
Heh, this is actually my first time for Sega so I didn't really have time to think about that. We usually just grab whatever we have on hand. However, I did note that someone who purchased a few games from me said they worked fine on his Sega Nomad. Naturally, I can't speak for all titles, but at least people are having some success. I think it really depends more on the build quality than anything else. I noted that Chinese Originals tend to be slightly out of spec, which is why boards sometimes don't make a good enough connection to pins and stuff like that. It's a shame they can't tighten up quality control.  :-\


Does the games come with a instruction booklet or box art


August 05, 2010, 10:24:27 am #4 Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 08:30:14 pm by Trenton_net
Sorry, these come bare. Perhaps some enterprising users might come up with their own inserts and boxes since any Megadrive case will do.

Post Merge: August 05, 2010, 08:30:14 pm

Hrm... I don't know how true this is, but apparently the suppliers say the reason these don't come with boxes is because the manufactures didn't make any for them. I guess all the boxes and various box art are from independent sources trying to make it look like a more complete package. It would certainly explain why they very so much.


Quote from: Trenton_net on August 05, 2010, 10:24:27 am
Hrm... I don't know how true this is, but apparently the suppliers say the reason these don't come with boxes is because the manufactures didn't make any for them. I guess all the boxes and various box art are from independent sources trying to make it look like a more complete package. It would certainly explain why they very so much.

AFAIK the original Taiwanese production runs of most of these games came with boxes (and manuals, for the RPGs at least) but these are Chinese reprints that don't. some people have produced their own inserts for the Chinese versions though.
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It's too bad that I'm so fixated on boxes and manuals. That Sqirrel King game looks like a ton of fun.


August 08, 2010, 10:11:32 am #7 Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 10:34:48 am by Trenton_net
Well, I know the Taiwanese versions of The Beggar King, The Legend of Wukong, etc come with boxes and manuals, but I have my doubts about the other ones. They probably came with boxes, but no manuals. Only the really high quality games tried to make any effort in that respect.

In any case, I'm going to try and inquire as to what happened to the inserts and  boxes. Maybe they don't use them because it raises costs or something. But if they have them, it's obvious people want it. I think what will probably happen is that if they do find the covers, I'll have them ship it without the box to save money for people and just let them use their own MD cases for the job. Chinese repo cases suck anyways.