Japanese translation needed

Started by jpx72, September 09, 2010, 04:33:09 am

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is there somebody that can translate this text that is printed on top of the Famicom-schematics? It is related to the two different crystal (x' tal) connection schematics displayed in the dotted-line boxes:




If yo either send me an image with he words or circuit in quesion circled in red, or post the image here, and I will see if I can translate or explain it.



Just click on the words "famicom schematics" in the first post, thats the only image there is to find AFAIK. Thank you!


September 10, 2010, 06:46:56 pm #4 Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 06:20:00 am by Xious
I have those too, but FW doesn't make BBCode hyperlinks appear any different from normal words. I should drop this in the suggestion box:

Please  make hyperlinks blue or purple in the template/theme settings.

Anyhow, I think it is explaining that the oscillator is controlling the open or closed state of TC1, changing the path of the current, but the resolution is too low to properly distinguish the kana formations for me to attempt to translate (or even bother one of friends to read and confirm). This is why the FC uses Katakana in game text: the resolution is too low for writing legible Kanji.

I presume you want to know how TC1 is operating? This circuit path may be the same on the NES as well, but I don't remember. If so, there may be an annotation on the NES schematics that says what you want to read, but examining the circuit with an oscilloscope or locating a printed factory schematic of the FC (and scanning it at 300-600DPI for the rest of us) is the best way to go.

I doubt that anybody can make a meaningful translation, purely because the original image is too low-res to identify the symbols. I wonder if i could pry one out of Nintendo Co., Ltd or if one of my importers has a full schematics set...

I have NES schematics (on paper) somewhere amongst all of my files, but finding them is like looking for the lost Ark. If I happen across them, I already plan to scan them for NESDev, but having a full FC schematics set on paper would be nice.

In the meanwhile, here are a ton of Famicom schematics that you've probably never seen that could be useful to you. They are far more comprehensive than anything else you can find on English sites.

The usual disclaimer: By using the schematics on my server, you agree that you free me, my business(es) and my associates of any and all liability stemming directly and/or indirectly from the use of said schematics and you agree that by providing these to a third party, you assume any and all full liability for their use by that third party.



September 11, 2010, 12:35:13 pm #5 Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 12:53:01 pm by kyuusaku
Crystals don't oscillate on their own, they need assistance (that circuit), why they do is really complicated. The frequency stamped on a crystal denotes either the series or parallel resonant frequency the manufacturer has trimmed the crystal to at a specific load capacitance. Different oscillator circuits exploit the crystals' series or parallel resonance for operation or both. I did some research and the Famicom's circuit is called a Pierce oscillator (the most widely used kind) which operates with parallel resonance.  To get the proper frequency with a parallel-rated Xtal you tune the symbol block in place in the schematic to the manufacturer's load capacitance specification. The other block is what you would use for a series-rated Xtal.

PS: all credit goes to Xious, since he loves it, for kindly making me aware of this thread and providing me with a laugh in it.


September 12, 2010, 04:02:37 am #6 Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 03:47:36 am by jpx72
WOW a lot of things happened since I've been here last time!
I am not going to contribute to the other schematics thread, but all I have to say is Thank you xious for posting those schematics (Very nice!!!) and allowing them to be shared from more than one site (that I wasn't able to find for more than 4 years of searching on the internet!). I am going to download those and put them also on my site, with links to this thread, xious' and  enri's site, just to be sure that those are not lost to anyone ever.
And xious, please don't stop doing, scanning or searching whatever schematics you can (and putting them on your webspace), because we need them! Really! Thanks!!!

Btw thanks kyuusaku for explaining the crystal/oscillator function (I know how it works, just didn't knew about the different crystal types)! That was my original question so I am going to look on the problematics of serial/parallel crystal freq.

And just for information, the provided scanned schematics (Ntd_8bit) is exactly for the HVC-CPU-07 (and maybe 06 and 05)  but not for the HVC-CPU-GPM-02. I have both boards so I compared it. The GPM-02 is the newer version, they added much more capacitors, mainly on the joypad outputs and some other inovations, mostly to get rid of the "voltage peaks". But in the core is it the same.

I am doing some research on the singnals with borrowed oscilloscope, just repairing one faulty famicom (07). So far I was able to find out that the "working" video signal (PAL and NTSC - tested on famicom and certain famiclone) must look exactly as the one pictured on this site:
(picture = http://www002.upp.so-net.ne.jp/jsrc/densi/fcav2-6.png)

And last thing, links should be different color indeed. I am always trying (at least) to underline my urls..