Comprehensive Famicom Schematics (Download Link)

Started by Xious, September 10, 2010, 08:16:40 pm

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September 10, 2010, 08:16:40 pm Last Edit: August 05, 2023, 09:06:42 pm by UglyJoe
For those so inclined, or in need, here is my archive of Famicom schematics that I've been collecting and you've probably never seen anywhere else. They are far more comprehensive than anything you can find on English sites.

The usual disclaimer: By using the schematics on my server, you agree that you free me, my business(es) and my associates of any and all liability stemming directly and/or indirectly from the use of said schematics and you agree that by providing these to a third party, you assume any and all full liability for their use by that third party (although you are free to make your own liability limitation agreement with that third party).

In other words: Use at your own risk, and please don't come crying to me if you mess something up because you didn't know what you were doing...

Other than that, please enjoy them!  That 'Ntd_8bit.jpg' scan, which is all that most people have,  is useful, but incomplete and very-low-resolution.


mod edit: removed link, as the domain now points to a shady domain squatter page


Wow, so you mean you went through all the trouble of finding Enri's homepage and downloading his schematics?! Mad props! I'm slightly worried about "FC Factory CPU Schematic Scan.jpg" though, it's suspiciously similar to that horrid uncomprehensive "Ntd_8bit.jpg" schematic everyone and their grandma has seen and used, sexually, so what gives??? Must be there by mistake! Just letting you know...


September 11, 2010, 01:41:35 am #2 Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 01:47:32 am by Xious
I didn't stick my name on them knucklehead. I had to find them by searching in Japanese, so I doubt that most people have them, or have ever seen or heard of them and I'm trying to put them in one place where everybody can get them easily. These are a bitch to find and the proper location for them is NESDev, but only Admins can UL to the FTP server there and I figure 'Hey, the FW folks might want these too.'.. I'm so glad you appreciate it... it just makes me want to say 'The heck with it, if you want help you can pay for it.', but I don't see the need to punish long-term members because of the actions of s guy that hasn't even been a member for more than one day and is already acting like a first class schmuck.

I also have schematics for the RF modulator up there that I found, and I have diagrams for the A/V mod that I was going to put up there, and the original schematics for the NES and Vs. UniSystem that I planned to scan and upload to the same place so that people can download and use them or add them to forums like this in a reference library.. I don't even know off the top of my head what came from where, as I have a collection of documentation from all over the place, so thanks for the link: I guess I can give a hand at translating his site for English-speaking FamiJunkies.

BTW, that's the exact folder name on my nebook: 'Famicom_Schematics'. It's just one of many in my 'NESDev_Projects' directory. I dropped it onto my server and allowed you access to it. I'd say that's a very considerate thing to do!. I further planned on going through the trouble to annotate the FC schematics all and link them together in full colour..

My main question for you is: If you knew about these, then why didn't you bother helping jpx72 with his questions? Were you too busy to try, or do you not understand what you're looking at? Let's just have a look at your post history...Well, you clearly know what you're looking at, so yeah, you probably know about these diagrams. Most people don't; otherwise people on other forums wouldn't be asking where to get something better than the Ntn_8Bit scan. This is why people have to ask where to locate the comparable parts on a NES on the Famicom constantly. They don't have these documents, and probably didn't think to search for therm in another language.

Do you speak Japanese? I'm guessing so, which is a good reason for you to know about these schematics, but most westerners have neither seen nor heard of them, or if they have, they didn't bother to make them available to everybody in one easy to find location. If people are going to act like whiny idiots about it though, it seriously makes me question why I bother trying to help at all.
The Ntn_8Bit schematic is a useful reference, but it's low-res and hard to read in parts. These other schematics are also low-res, but they are clearer and complete. It is also possible to make a printable version of the entire FC PCB design by using all of the culmination of this information and redrawing it all in a CAD programme. I was going to do that, but I guess it can wait, if this is the kind of reception I get for sharing information like this

In the end, 'tis an archive of FC schematics, not an art exhibit, so it's supposed to contain everything. I have all of this stuff for my personal reference  and after dealing with questions relating to the Ntn_8bit schematic for jpx72, I decided to U/L everything in a tidy manner. You see, I go out of  my way to solve FW members' technical issues and explain how to do mods, repairs and generally how stuff works.

Why haven't you posted a schematic of your improved A/V mod yet? How about a nice PCB design? You like criticizing people who put some effort into making FW a better place to belong, so was your goal to join a community and start antagonizing members on your first day? Nice people skills there, dude.

Frankly, you haven't earned the right to criticize me at all, and I officially vote you a candidate for the first 'whiny kid' medal. Happy now?





No flamewars, please.
Keep it mature and civil (and let's not get too heated...).



September 11, 2010, 10:40:29 am #6 Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 11:17:36 am by kyuusaku
Quote from: Xious*Wall of text I probably shouldn't reply to*

Instead of your pretentious post you could have casually linked people to Enri's page. I thought it deserved a reply.

The only reason I joined is because I decided I'd correct some of the misinformation around here. To be honest I've been lurking every few months since the opening because someone had linked me to comical posts.

Sounds like a noble cause, I always thought schematics needed more color.

Why didn't I bother helping with some specific question? What? I have no idea... I just click around, there's no way I'm going through every single thread. I wonder why I bothered to answer all those MGD/FDS transfer questions of yours on Nesdev and Tototek when nobody else could/would, I guess because I'm a knucklehead.

Speaking of redrawing it in a CAD program (this is called capturing) it's something you should start doing for legal reasons/out of courtesy if you're going to publish other people's works.

I don't have the motivation to draw and post the "improved A/V mod", I described it sufficiently with words. If you can follow those words feel free to come up with your own annotated diagram for all of 4 parts.


I didn't have the link when I posted it. Simple. 
I routinely download stuff and archive it because too many sites have vanished taking everything with them, and doesn't grab all of the graphics of sites that they spider.

I called you a knucklehead because instead of politely replying with a "Here is the source of these and whatnot' link, you decided to tear me a new rear-entrance. You act as if I'm trying to take credit for their creation, and that's just silly. There's really not much more to say. I appreciate your help in the past, but you came off to me as a real jerk with your reply. 

That's all folks.


Thanks this is useful.  I think the disclaimer was where you went wrong though.

I don't mess around with electricals at all but it's good to have these on hand should I decide to get any hardware projects on the go.  Even though I can't make sense of them, whoever I get to help certainly would.
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