I need and informationa about the Famicom Version of this game

Started by Diskun, September 21, 2010, 03:33:52 am

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I'm a Famicom owner, I love the famicom 'cause systems and cartridges are so tiny and nice  :) and games are so awesome!

I ask you an information: I love the last Konami Soccer game for NES, Konami Hyper Soccer, so far from the simple Exciting Soccer... that's what i fell nearest to a modern Soccer Simulator produced for the 8-bit Nintendo Console.

I'd like to play it also on my Famicom, overall because I've got my Handheld Famicom and I'd like to play it on-the-go. Don't tell me to play it on PSP or DS emulator, it's not the same thing... and tou know it!  ;D

Is there any Famicom version of this game? I could also "accept" a pirated version or a rom inserted in a 999999999 roms in 1... do you know what I mean  ;). Any way to play it on a Famicom without a converter (beacuse playing on a Famicom Portable using a big NES cartridge and a converter isn't confortable for handheld gaming!) is good for me!

Thanks a lot for every answer!  :)


I'm not sure about a pirated version, but according to my  info Hyper Soccer didn't have an official Famicom release. (Hyper Sports and Hyper Olympic were released on the Famicom.)



A repro is when you take a board with a certain mapper, and put in new chips, with the game you want on them.
They have some on http://www.nesreproductions.com/
It's a little more complex than that, but that's basically what it is.
Sorry folks.


Hmm. You don't think you'll look cool walking around with an NES cart sticking out of your handheld? Pirated might be the way to go. If there is a pirated version. I dont know of any Famicom Repro makers, but since Famicom games can be put on NES carts with relative ease, it shouldn't be all that terrible to do vice versa. Although the cheapest and easiest way would be to get a converter. If you have to comprimise to that, www.stoneagegamer.com has 'em.