Has anybody talked about this yet on this forum?

Started by chazbc24, October 25, 2011, 03:25:02 pm

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pretty big deal. now that this guy realizes what he has he's trying to sell the repos for like 500 bucks a piece. Pretty awful idea if you ask me. The first guy who buys it is just gonna dump it online.


A half-pirated pirate of a pirate.  I'd like to think there is nobody in the collecting community stupid enough to pay money for that.


Quote from: lobdale on October 25, 2011, 03:30:49 pm
A half-pirated pirate of a pirate.  I'd like to think there is nobody in the collecting community stupid enough to pay money for that.

Me too, but oh I've met some people...


Copying "menu" part of the programme is a common pirate practice. It's the hardest part of creating a multigame pirate, changing the games on it is trivial. Creating own games is another thing, but from what I read (I don't know anything about Action52's games) they really suck, so no hard work there either.