Disk System homebrew

Started by inergy, November 16, 2010, 07:56:52 pm

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Hi I was wondering if anyone kows about some tools to create fds games using a windows pc, because I havent been able to find out anything. I'm about to make a fdsloadr and was thinking that it would be cool to make a custom game to load onto some disks.  Also, does anyone know the differance in the way the fc read disks and carts, is is pretty much 1 to 1?  because I would also like to explore possible cart to disk porting and vice versa, thanks in advance fw  ;D



I'm sorry if I'm repeating something you already know, but there's a site with more technical (and confusing to me) documents about the Famicom+FDS than you can shake a stick at. http://nesdev.parodius.com/ - they also have a forum for Famicom developers http://nesdev.parodius.com/bbs/index.php here.
Check out my blog at http://blog.thewombat.org - I review flash carts and other stuff!


yes I was aware of this site but for some reason never scrolled down the main page to see the site index.  Thanks you very much.  It seems like its a kind of untouched subject, as far as the internet goes, but obviously people developed their own games for the FDS in the past so it isn't impossible.