Famicom - Missing AC and RFSwitch...

Started by langland2010, September 29, 2010, 10:13:40 pm

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Hi All,

First post here...

I've found a few Famicom consoles but everyone i find seems to be missing the AC adapter and also the RF swtich.

I'm actually in Japan at the moment, so i thought it would be no problem finding replacements, but i was wrong.... (maybe its my poor Japanese language skills!)

Does anyone know where i can find them or what i can use in stead of the originals.... i.e. can i use an AC adapter from a different electronic system?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated!



Welcome to the forums, but you could have done a little search by yourself here...
And yes, you don't need the specific Famicom parts, you can use anything that has the same specifications.
Adapter - http://famicomworld.com/workshop/tech/famicom-power-adaptor/
RF switch - use any switch, or just a cable that fits your TV


hi. thank you for your quick reply, much appreciated.

i will go on the hunt for the cables. I imagine if i take those specs into a hardware shop they will be able to find something that should work.  :-\

in terms of the RF cable... will anything work as long as it fits like you say? i will see whats about. what is the most common thing that people use in stead of the original?

i have been trying to search but quite difficult when not too technically minded! thanks!


don't know about others, but I use standard cable, RCA connector on one side (for the Famicom) and antennae connector (for the TV) on the other (depends on region, they are different, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RF_connector or just ask in the store)


For the RF, you can also use an RCA to F-Type (coaxial) adapter (RCA female to Type-F male) , which you can buy for about 200 Yen or so in a audio or video parts shoppe.

The power supply should be 10VDC @ 850mA to 1.2A with center-pole negative. The AC adapter from a (Old Type) Megadrive or SEGA Mastersystem will work, and I think that the NEC PC-Engine PSUs are also pretty close (maybe lower mA rating ~650mA?), but still usable.

There are a lot of shoppes, including in the outdoor markets, that sell Famicom items. You need to ask for this:

Nintendo Famicom AC adaputa ( ニンテンドーファミコンACアダプター)
or just  Famicom AC adaputa ( ファミコンACアダプター) (ay-see-ada-poot-uh)

The RF box is called: RF suitchi (RFスイッチ) (ahr-eff-soo-eet-chi)

Also keep in mind that Famicom is short for Family Computer (ファミリーコンピュータ)--often pronounced 'fam-ah-ree-com-poo-tah'. When in doubt, bring it with you. You can also contact Kevin or Alex at Risingstuff.com and talk to either of them about picking up what you need at their shoppe locally.



Hi both,

thank you for your help and advice regarding getting a famicom up and running.... i managed to get it going today.... very rewarding!

thanks again! ;D


Hey guys my first time on the board and i've recently purchased an AV Famicon and like all the ones you see online it doesn't come with an ac adapter and i have had no luck in finding one anywhere. Is there something you can use as a replacement and have any of you found something that works perfectly. I've read all the info on the web page and have done a search but i would like many different opinions on this.


Turlough, you need an AC adapter that outputs "9v Center Negative." US or Japan shouldn't matter because they both would output it as 9 volt. You can use a universal power supply with switches and different plugs and set it up to do that (Can probably pick it up at radio shack or a similarly stocked electronics store, and possibly walmart) or you can also use an original Genesis Power Supply. Someone correct me if any of that is wrong.
Check out my blog at http://blog.thewombat.org - I review flash carts and other stuff!


November 28, 2010, 02:21:18 pm #8 Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 11:46:25 pm by Turlough
Yeah thats what i've been reading plus i saw a video from famicon doujo about it i'll have to wait  till my famicon arrives and get an adapter.

Post Merge: November 29, 2010, 11:46:25 pm

So I purchased the sega model 1 adapter but heres the issue the cartridge slot and the cartridges get warm after 20 to 30 mins of game play. I'm wondering if this is because the adapter doesn't match the japanese one. I'm also using the AV Famicom system so i don't know if thats different compaired to the original model.