Selling off Sega Pico (sold)

Started by FamicomFreak, December 09, 2010, 10:19:13 am

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December 09, 2010, 10:19:13 am Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 08:21:37 am by FamicomFreak
Need it gone quickly! OFFERRRRS?

Retro Gaming Life


Well of course, I saw what you meant and decided to turn this into the right topic.  8)
Retro Gaming Life


wow.........I remember seeing this as an instore display when I was a kid, right next to a Gamegear display. I have no IDEA Sega made this!


Yeah it's a very interesting umm console? I guess since you plug it into your TV via-av and have the games which are books. It also has some interesting aspects such as how similar they look to Genesis games as well as the pencil cursor thing you use to play through it. I heard the Sonic game for the Sega Pico is one of their pricey titles.
Retro Gaming Life


I was looking for this one back in the days, when I was obsessed with collecting all Sega - Sonic cartridges / consoles. I got all SMD(Genesis), SMS and GG ones, but after getting several simillar child-consoles, I decided to pass the Pico (with the "Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld" and "Tails and the music maker" cartridges). Good luck selling it. You have any games for it?

BTW yes, Sonic alone can be pricey (50-80$), but I've seen bundles of cartidges (incl. Sonic one) for sega pico on ebay for 10-15$. So don't rush yourself to buying it for a lot more than it's worth.


wow I'm happy to announce that it sold! Thanks everyone for your interest!
Retro Gaming Life