Christmas suggestions

Started by famiac, December 05, 2010, 06:12:31 pm

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Hey guys! Christmas is coming up and im running out of ideas, anybody have a suggestion for famicom or retro games i should get for christmas or awesome famicom accessories or gaming related things such as display items, figurines or stuff like that?

thanks i appreciate it!


If you don't have a PowerPak, definitely one of those.  That was one of the things I got last Christmas.  I would say take a look through RetroZone and see if there's anything that sticks out to you.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


yeah, ill consider a powerpak, thanks ND!
Any other suggestions?


Speaking of them, I highly suggest Retrozone's Battle Kid.


Depending on how things play out I'm hoping to get both the NES and SNES power packs. Just too many good games out there and not enough money to buy them all on cartridges.
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December 14, 2010, 02:57:24 pm #5 Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 03:24:04 pm by BrianC
What specific types of games are you looking for?

Why are NES and Famicom treated so interchangeably around here? I understand that they are different versions of the same system, but the different cart shapes, region differences, hardware differences, and exclusives have me referring to NES games as NES games and Famicom games as Famicom games. It just confuses the heck out of me when a NES exclusive is mentioned when someone asks about something for Famicom (and I'm aware of the adapters to play NES games on Famicom).

I also don't understand equating pirated games with the real deal. I understand they are out of print, used games don't give money to the developers, and some games are incredibly expensive. However, the used games were still official games that were once bought at retail, there are plenty of good games out there for cheap, and it's impossible to play every single good game with a proper play. Nothing against the Power Pak itself, though, especially for stuff like hacks (yeah gray area too, but something not available on official cart), translations, unreleased games like Titan Warriors, and some homebrews like that one caravan style game.

I wish Battle Kid was on Famicom cart. I like the size and how easy they are to get working (though it's kind of moot since most games work quickly on my toaster now) compared to the US toaster NES.


BrianC, I think the main reason people refer to games for both systems by one name or both is because it seems unwieldy or unnatural for some people to constantly be saying "NES or Famicom." Here's a related example. When I was doing my review for the SNES PowerPak, I really wanted to specify that it was also useable on the Super Famicom as well, but saying SNES/Super Famicom PowerPak over and over sounded odd and overly repetitive. Saying SNES/SFC might have confused some people who may not have seen the abbreviation before. So I said Super Famicom once and I just referred to it as SNES PowerPak from then on.

I'm sure most people do it for the very same reason. It just gets old and unnecessary very quickly when most people know that you are talking about the blanket idea of the 8-bit Nintendo console, so people tend to refer to it as one or the other. As long as someone doesn't use it inappropriately when they're talking about a specific thing, like saying "I'm looking for that copy of Super Mario 2 for the NES Disk System", they tend to be used pretty much interchangeably mostly everywhere.

Also, pirate games are most definitely not the real deal, but some people tend to enjoy them simply based on their own merits. They're usually made in runs smaller than the original console game, they tend to have quirky and sometimes completely unrelated artwork on the label, sometimes they are slightly hacked versions of games that have a sprite or sprites replaced, and sometimes they have multiple games on them, making them a bargain for someone who just wants to be able to play a large selection of games easily. That's not to say I think you have to enjoy them, in fact, there's more than enough variety in the 8-bit Nintendo world for all sorts of preferences.
Check out my blog at - I review flash carts and other stuff!


December 15, 2010, 02:49:24 am #7 Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 11:22:35 am by BrianC
Quote from: botulismo on December 15, 2010, 01:30:12 am
BrianC, I think the main reason people refer to games for both systems by one name or both is because it seems unwieldy or unnatural for some people to constantly be saying "NES or Famicom." Here's a related example. When I was doing my review for the SNES PowerPak, I really wanted to specify that it was also useable on the Super Famicom as well, but saying SNES/Super Famicom PowerPak over and over sounded odd and overly repetitive. Saying SNES/SFC might have confused some people who may not have seen the abbreviation before. So I said Super Famicom once and I just referred to it as SNES PowerPak from then on.

I'm sure most people do it for the very same reason. It just gets old and unnecessary very quickly when most people know that you are talking about the blanket idea of the 8-bit Nintendo console, so people tend to refer to it as one or the other. As long as someone doesn't use it inappropriately when they're talking about a specific thing, like saying "I'm looking for that copy of Super Mario 2 for the NES Disk System", they tend to be used pretty much interchangeably mostly everywhere.

"Around here" means this forum, not people in general. The problem I have is that NES only games come up in topics specifically asking for Famicom games on this forum. I was looking for info on 4 player Famicom games and accessories and info for some Famicom exclusive 4p games other than Kunio, only to find posts listing western only games like Gauntlet II. I had to get info on FC 4 player games elsewhere and I still haven't found a complete list of FC 4 player games.

Also, pirate games are most definitely not the real deal, but some people tend to enjoy them simply based on their own merits. They're usually made in runs smaller than the original console game, they tend to have quirky and sometimes completely unrelated artwork on the label, sometimes they are slightly hacked versions of games that have a sprite or sprites replaced, and sometimes they have multiple games on them, making them a bargain for someone who just wants to be able to play a large selection of games easily. That's not to say I think you have to enjoy them, in fact, there's more than enough variety in the 8-bit Nintendo world for all sorts of preferences.

I was referring to ROMs, but feel the same about pirate carts of official games. I find some pirate carts interesting, though.


if you dont already get a FDS, thats what im getting this year. anouther retro game suggestion is the Neo Geo Pocket Color, though it didnt have a HUGE library the games it does have make it worth owning and i hear there pretty cheap!

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: BrianC on December 15, 2010, 02:49:24 am
"Around here" means this forum, not people in general. The problem I have is that NES only games come up in topics specifically asking for Famicom games on this forum. I was looking for info on 4 player Famicom games and accessories and info for some Famicom exclusive 4p games other than Kunio, only to find posts listing western only games like Gauntlet II. I had to get info on FC 4 player games elsewhere and I still haven't found a complete list of FC 4 player games.

Furgh! >:( Some people are douches like that - not paying attention when someone specifically wants "FC" or "NES" .  By the way, where's the topic you're talking about? ??? I only see this one:

& I don't see FC games specified ???
& I don't see any questions from you ???


December 15, 2010, 01:25:55 pm #10 Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 07:32:19 pm by BrianC
Here is the topic:

I was lurking the forums when I saw it and I haven't replied to it yet.

Edit: I replied. "Looking for info" meant through the search, not by making a post.




Anyway, as I tried to say, I feel just referring to Famicom games as NES and vice versa just causes more confusion because of all the differences between the systems and games. I could just refer to games with differences like Star Force as JP NES or River City Ransom as US Famicom, but I don't really see the point since the JP system is named Famicom and the US/EU system is called NES. Famicom isn't fully compatible with NES either (most games are with a good adapter, but there's the difference with the pins for the extra sounds).

I didn't expect this to get so sidetracked (though this is the internet and posts are easy to misread). I asked for specifics since it's hard to tell what games someone likes without specifics. "famicom" has me wanting to recommend JP games, but the repiles give me the impression that famiac is interested in US games as well. Famiac, which genre's do you like? Lots of good stuff for US and JP to recommend and some narrowing down can give me a better idea on what to recommend.