My Street Fighter 2 arcade pcb conversion

Started by Drakon, March 12, 2012, 09:56:25 pm

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This arcade pcb was a street fighter 2 turbo arcade board I bought for 45$ shipped years ago.  It's an official capcom pcb and came fully working.  I did some mucking around with cps1 roms in emulators and my eprom burner and found a way to convert my pcb into rainbow set 3.  More details about this project can be found on my forum.  Here's a video of it in action on my supergun.


March 18, 2012, 01:16:52 pm #2 Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 01:22:22 pm by Drakon
I've since done a FAR more complicated upgrade.  The M5 hack is brilliant so I decided to look into seeing just exactly how the rum dumps "tick".

The top hex is from the regular sf2 champion edition rom, the second / third hex boxes are from the m5 hack dumps

I did some web searching and wound up on this site:

I downloaded the "" tool.  It's a dos command based program so I wrote a batch file for it that takes files named 1, 2, and combines them back together in the regular interleaved pattern.  Doing so made the hex look just like the champion edition rom dump

Then I split the file into the two 512 k separate files it needs.  I split the roms at the proper spot and copied them into the sf2ce folder and it ran but unfortunately the sprite layer is flickering. The good news is that everything else works perfectly, audio is fine, controls are fine, even all the m5 hacks are running great even though the system is running it like it would be on a normal cps1. So I've managed to decrypt these roms on my own using tools I found on the net.  I tested this M5 dump running as CE in multiple emulators and each emulator has the graphics flickering. I even did the same process on the m7 hack and got the same results, it ran but gave me flickering graphics in the emulator when loaded under the normal cps1 profile.  Burning these cleaned up roms to eproms worked on my cps1 but the sprites rarely drew and when they appeared they were flickering.  Also the controls weren't responding.  I dug around in the cps1.c file from the mame source code and certainly enough the m5 bootleg pcb draws sprites in the opposite direction and has different controller inputs.

Since the champion edition rom dumps and the m5 cleaned up dump are very similar I tried copying data back and forth between the two rom sets and seeing what effect it would have.  I did a LOT of trial and error and eventually found the programming that applies all the game hacks while keeping the cps1 compatible programming in tact.  The M5 bootleg romset now runs 100% flawlessly on my official cps1 pcb.

Here's the rom zip:

If you rename this zip winkawaks will run it fine and I assume other cps1 emulators will run it too.  To upgrade your champion edition, turbo, or rainbow edition to this m5 hack just burn the 21, 22 and 23 roms and it should run fine on your regular cps1 arcade pcb.  The 21 rom is just the regular champion edition rom and the 22 / 23 roms are the hacked up m5 roms.

Here's the video to prove it truly works:


I'm lamenting Champion Edition usurped by Rainbow Edition :(
My for Sale / Trade thread


March 19, 2012, 01:12:30 pm #4 Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 01:39:13 pm by Drakon
Quote from: L___E___T on March 19, 2012, 03:59:42 am
I'm lamenting Champion Edition usurped by Rainbow Edition :(

Well today's your lucky day this pcb used to be turbo not CE.  Also the pcb cost me only 45$.  And I have plenty of eproms I can burn the champion edition roms and it'll be a normal CE pcb.  It takes me about 5 minutes to convert this pcb from one version to another you need need to change 2-3 eproms (usually just 2).

I also have two more sf2 pcbs one is the japanese champion edition 920803 revision board and the other is a US world warrior board (whatever is the last revision of world warrior released is the board I have)

World warrior was another 45$ pcb and the japanese CE board I think cost me $80ish.  And these prices include shipping.

I had this turbo pcb sitting as turbo for the longest time but I never enjoyed turbo so once I got my hands on an eprom burner I figured I might as well turn it into something I'll actually play.  Even my friends will play rainbow or the m5 hack more than turbo.


waaaaaaaah!  Turbo!?!  I'm in tears...

If it's a 5 min job though, I guess that's not too bad.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on March 20, 2012, 05:53:58 am
waaaaaaaah!  Turbo!?!  I'm in tears...

If it's a 5 min job though, I guess that's not too bad.

Really I can convert between versions in no time at all you just swap out 2 eprom chips.  I never liked turbo, it was only made to compete with the awesome bootleg hack versions of CE.  Turbo literally is just a hack of CE, you can swap the pcb between turbo and CE just by replacing 2 eproms turbo is just as much of a hack as the bootlegged versions.


Sure sure, but you can't compare the gameplay of Turbo to Rainbow can you?  Rainbow's pretty broken, right???
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on March 20, 2012, 01:12:09 pm
Sure sure, but you can't compare the gameplay of Turbo to Rainbow can you?  Rainbow's pretty broken, right???

Broken yes, but way more fun.