WTB NES games and multicarts

Started by NESplaya1987, December 30, 2010, 02:19:54 am

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December 30, 2010, 02:19:54 am Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 02:29:40 am by NESplaya1987
im looking to buy some of my fav NES games golf baseball punch out rc pro ampinball and others and im hoping to find a multicart to add to my collection im getting one from ebay soon plus im waiting a response on another one im trying to get as many asi can so send me a list of what NES games u got ps i buy in canada only the multicarts im looking for is like 100 on 1 and so forth i dont like the ones with lots of duplicates


Welcome to the forums.
Here are some commas, full stops etc. as a welcome gift:  , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . ' ' ' '  ;)

You might get some offers, but probably not many, because we don't have very many members from Canada. If I were you I'd at least consider buying stuff from the USA.


okie thanks for the heads up :0 this does not count as a bump:)

Chris Leach

"When it Rains it Rains poors!"

Dante Vale

I mostly have Supervision NES single cart and multis. At the moment i do have Supervision 42 in 1 with box.
