WTB/WTTF: Earthbound complete for SNES + other RPG's

Started by Epic_Lotus, December 29, 2010, 10:58:57 pm

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December 29, 2010, 10:58:57 pm Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 12:49:37 am by Epic_Lotus

That's right!  I'm looking for a nice big complete copy of Earthbound for the SNES.  I'd like to pick up one with a pretty nice box, but it doesn't have to be perfect.  As for what I consider complete:  Box, cardboard tray, cart, guide w/ scratch & sniffs still attached, and registration card.  If you have the cart baggie, dust cap, and Nintendo ads, even better!

I'd really like to trade for this, and any of the RPG's on the list below.  I might be interested in purchasing if the price is right, but I'm a lot more generous with values when trading than buying.  However, don't be afraid to PM me!!  It never hurts to talk .

Quality example:

Other RPG games I'm looking for:

Final Fantasy IV Advance complete
Final Fantasy V Advance sealed
Final Fantasy VI Advance sealed
Popful Mail complete (not an RPG, I know, but I really want to try it)
Shining Wisdom complete
Panzer Dragoon complete
Panzer Dragoon Zwei complete
Panzer Dragoon Saga complete
Arc the Lad collection complete
Dragon Warrior III complete (NES)
Dragon Warrior IV complete (NES)
any of the Dragon Warrior/Quest games for Game Boy/Color/Advance complete/sealed


Everything here is FS, too, but I'm hoping to trade for the above titles more than anything else.  Prices listed are trade value.  Help me out!

Also, please note.  I will be out of town until 12/30/10.  Any purchases or trades not concluded before 12/23/10 in the AM won't ship out until 1/1/11 (or maybe a day or two later).

NES cart lot (I don't have any boxes/manuals for these) - NA GUIDE VALUE: $304.  YOUR PRICE: $100 + SHIPPING.  THAT'S A SICK DEAL!!
Carts are in varying conditions. Nothing here is gem by any means, but if you have a specific question, feel free to ask.
3D Worldrunner
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes of the Lance
Alpha Mission
American Gladiators
Barbie (torn label, I'll throw this one in for free, lol)
Batman Returns
City Connection
Cobra Triangle
Commando (x2)
Defenders of the Crown
Double Dragon
Dr. Mario (x2)
Elevator Action
Gauntlet (licensed grey cart)
Jeopardy 25th anniversary
King's Knight
Legacy of the Wizard
Mafat Conspiracy
Metal Fighter (blue color dreams cart)
Metal Gear
MIG 29 (silver unlicensed cart)
Ms. Pac-Man (black Tengen cart)
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden II
Muppet's Adventure
NFL Football
Rad Racer
Rad Racer II
RBI Baseball
Rush N' Attack
Star Force
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (x2)
Super Sprint
Swords and Serpents
Tecmo Super Bowl
Thunder & Lightning
Tiny Toon Adventures
Toobin (black Tengen cart)
Top Gun (x2)
Track & Field (x2)
Wheel of Fortune
Zoda's Revenge: Startropics 2

Original Game Boy
2 in 1: Fighting Simulator - sealed - $15
Adventure Island II - Box/Manual - $15 - box is nice, but has two old stickers on it (price sticker of $14.99 is not what I paid for it, haha.  Cost me more!)
Alien vs. Predator - Box - $5 (6/10)
Altered Space - Box/Manual - $20 - very nice condition box.  Also includes matching poster!
Amazing Spider-man - sealed - $125 - very nice condition
Arcade Classic 1, 3, 4 - Box&Manual/Box&Manual/Box - $12/12/12 (7/10's)
Bart Simpson's Escape Camp Deadly - sealed - $35, has small dents in box
Bart vs. the Juggernauts - Box/Manual - $5 (FAH-code box, Holland, I think)
Batman: Return of the Joker - Box - $15 - extremely nice box
Battleship - sealed - $50, slight sunfading on front, price sticker
Blaster Master Boy - Box/Manual - $65
Blues Brothers - Cart - $5
Breakthru! - Box - $20 - box is okay shape (5-6/10), some small tears.
Breakthru! - CIB - $35 - very nice condition box
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2 - sealed - $10, million seller, box smooshed
Casper - sealed - $25, slight sunfading on front
Centipede - CIB - $10 - decent shape, UKV (United Kingdom) code on it.
Championship Pool - CIB - $10
Cutthroat Island - Box - $5
Dexterity - Box - $5
Donkey Kong Land - CIB - $10
Donkey Kong Land - Box - $5, million seller version
Ducktales - sealed - $25, dent in box makes it not worth keeping sealed
Double Dragon II - sealed - $75
Elevator Action - CIB - $20, one of the bottom flaps is not a happy camper and barely holding on.  If you pick this one up off me, I'll ship it in a box protector to keep it looking nice.
F-1 Race - sealed - $15, million seller
Fortified Zone - Box - $5 - Decent box, SCN code on it (Scandanavia)
HAL Wresting - sealed - $10
High Stakes Gambling - sealed - $25
High Stakes Gambling - sealed - $25
Hyper Lode Runner - Box - $5, has a heavy crease on the back/top.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - CIB - $25, very nice box.  Includes Ubisoft registration card.
InfoGenius French - Box - $10
InfoGenius Spell Check and Calculator - Box - $10
InfoGenius Travel Guide - sealed - $10, box front sunfaded, cracking on wrap
InfoGenius Travel Guide - sealed - $30
Ishido - sealed - $10
Jeopardy! - sealed - $10
Jetsons Robot Panic - Box - $5, nice shape, SCN code on it
Jurassic Park - CIB - $15
Kid Icarus - $100.  Bought it from TheFrisbee, very nice condition
Kirby's Pinball - CIB - $20
Lock n' Chase - Box/Manual - $40
Mega Man - cart only - $15
Mega Man IV - $140 - Very nice condition.  This one keeps going up in price  .
Mega Man V - $250 - This one is dead mint.  You literally will never find a nicer copy.  I actually paid a bit over $300 for it, but I doubt I'll ever get that back, lol.
Killer Instinct - $15
Metroid II - cart only - $25
Mickey Mouse Magic Wands - Box - $15, million seller
Mickey's Dangerous Chase - CIB - $20
Monster Max - Box - $5, FAH code on it
NFL Football - sealed - $10
Oddworld Adventures - Box - $5
Operation C - sealed - $95
Panel Action Bingo - sealed - $35, price sticker of $19.99 on it (again, not what I paid, haha)
Paperboy - CIB - $10
Prince of Persia - CIB - $35
Punisher - Box/Manual - $10
Punisher - sealed - $45, slight crease on side of box
Side Pocket - sealed - $20, price sticker on front
Sports Illustrated for Kids - $20, sunfading to box front
Spot - Box/Manual - $10
Stop That Roach! - CIB - $150.  Box is good, but has a scratch across front of the box
Street Racer - sealed - $100
Super Breakout - sealed - $100
Super Breakout/Battlezone - Cart - $5
Super Scrabble - CIB - $20, nice looking box for this one.
Tennis - sealed - $30
Tetris - Cart - $5
Tetris - sealed - $50, million seller
TMNT - Fall of the Foot Clan (I'm not sure what number this is, but I have it if you need it) - $15
Top Rank Tennis - sealed - $10
Track & Field - sealed - $40, slight sunfading to box front
Track Meet - CIB - $15
Wheel of Fortune - sealed - $10
Zoop - Box - $5

Game Boy Color
10-pin Bowling - sealed - $60
Deja Vu I&II - sealed - $50
Marble Madness - CIB - $10
Painter - sealed - $60, unlicensed
Race Time Double Pack - sealed - $80, unlicensed
Toki Tori - sealed - $50
Toy Story 2 - CIB - $10, comes with matching poster!

I have a pair of yellow Rad Racer 3D glasses that were a mail-in promo for the Nintendo Fun Club.  They are in excellent condition.  PM me your email address for pics.  Price is $135 shipped (US).

I bought Mega Man CIB for Game Gear off Braveheart last year, but in my efforts to consolidate my collection down to a very narrow focus and size, I think it's time I parted with my copy.  Condition on it is fair.  The box is missing a tab and has a small tear in the front.  Cart and manual look pretty good.

- Pics available on serious inquiry.  PM me your email address and I will forward them.
- The price is $150 shipped US, Priority Mail w/ tracking and insurance.
- Paypal only.
- I welcome international buyers, but please not I only ship EMS out of the country (and extra $25 USD, by my best guess here).

Now offering a sealed case of Game Boy Cleaning Kits and a sealed case of 4-Player Adapters.  Price is $37 shipped each, as well.

Anyone interested in both cases can have them for $70 shipped total!

For all sales:

- Pics are available on request.
- Priority Mail with tracking (US).
- Paypal only
- International buyers welcome, but note I only ship EMS out of the US, which will be extra in shipping costs (PM for exact quote please).

Post Merge: December 31, 2010, 12:49:35 am

Cart lot is temporarily unavailable.  It was partially parted out for a good offer.  The rest is still currently available, and I still need an Earthbound!


A few things sold off the list, I'll update it when it's not 2am and I have a 9 hour drive the next day :D.  I'm still looking for an Earthbound CIB.  If you've got one and want to sell or trade, hit me up!