Chazbc24's top 20 Best NES/Famicom/FDS games

Started by chazbc24, October 23, 2011, 09:15:46 pm

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October 23, 2011, 09:15:46 pm Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 11:44:04 am by chazbc24
I'm bored, but also inspired by satoshimatrix's top 100 list so i decided to throw together my own top 20. I had been collecting for about 4 years,  playing since before i can remember. I just recently sold off my entire collection and bought a powerpak because im getting into dev tools n shit (i also bought a few AES carts but thats a whole 'nother story).  Anyway, i found myself creating a folder of roms for my powerpak labeled "Top 20". I realized that this folder was the product of a whole lot of magical and disappointing experiences. I remember when i started collecting for the famicom I would trol this board to death imputing "best games" on the search bar. That helped me a lot. Watching JewWario's YCPT videos helped as well. However, people would also recommend (IMO) a lot of crap (Door Door, Doki Doki Don 2, famicomwars, Super Dodge Ball, Holy diver, any turn-based rpg and so on...) Hopefully, somebody who's just getting into the hobby stumbles upon this and saves themselves some time and money. Of course the only way to truly know what's shake from shit is to play the games thoroughly yourself and NOT ON AN EMULATOR. These are the games that I have the fondest memories of and at the same time, i feel, still hold up in terms of gameplay, MUSIC!, and general atmosphere. im not including Mario 3 because its like using mewtwo in a pokemon battle.

#1- Akumajou Densetsu (DUH!!)
#2- Duck Tales (JP and proto versions have a much better ending haha)
#3- Zelda 2 (US)
#4- Little Nemo
#5- Gradius 2
#6- Sweet Home
#7- Binary Land
#8- Metroid (FDS)
#9- Tetrastar
#10- Mother
#11- Bubble Bobble
#12- Mega Man 2
#13- Hello Kitty World
#14- Nazo No Murasamejo (FDS)
#15- Super Mario Bros. 2 (US)
#16- Castlevania
#17- Ninja Gaiden
#18- Eggerland (FDS)
#19- Bionic Commando
#20- Hyaku no Sekai no Monogatari

I was pretty surprised when i finished how few konami games i had on there.  so...

Honorable Mention: Any Konami game.


I can't belive you called Mother Earthbound 0...

Also amazed at how SMB USA is on there b ut SMB3 not even mentioned??  Interested to see some explanation of this unique list :)
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Quote from: L___E___T on October 24, 2011, 05:55:07 am
I can't belive you called Mother Earthbound 0...

Also amazed at how SMB USA is on there b ut SMB3 not even mentioned??  Interested to see some explanation of this unique list :)

I've never played the original mother, just the proto dump known as earthbound zero. not much difference either way, but I think i'll fix it so the list looks all nice nstuff. I did mention SMB3.


Nice list! But it surprised me to see Binary Land on that list, and also at a whopping #7. I don't wanna knock your list, each to his own I guess, but I'd like to know what you like about that game (besides it's cuteness)  :D


October 24, 2011, 02:37:29 pm #4 Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 04:57:35 pm by chazbc24
Quote from: Kiddo on October 24, 2011, 01:53:23 pm
Nice list! But it surprised me to see Binary Land on that list, and also at a whopping #7. I don't wanna knock your list, each to his own I guess, but I'd like to know what you like about that game (besides it's cuteness)  :D

Endless replayability. In making this list i tried to reflect on the games i truly play and enjoy the most. I disregard any hype or stigmas surrounding games be it with their attached IP, developer or rarity or whatever. This is the game that i find myself popping in the most out of all the games on the list. I usually never have half of a day to kill trying to get through a game like bionic commando or mega man 1. When i have 10 minutes to kill this is what i crave. The maps after the first 3 or 5 (cant remember) are all random. I love the feeling of having your brain cramp up when your trying to make the couple meet in the middle. Its such a challenging game that is so easy to get into and proves that a simple and strong concept can really drive a game.

On a side note chicks dig NES and penguins. This is by far the killer app to draw in the opposite sex. Hello Kitty world and bubble bobble, as well. (maybe eggerland....but she's gotta be a smart bitch)


I think ff 3 should be there sir! Don't forget about gimmick! AHHH!!!
Retro Gaming Life


Quote from: FamicomFreak on October 24, 2011, 03:47:21 pm
I think ff 3 should be there sir! Don't forget about gimmick! AHHH!!!

ehh, as i mentioned before turned based rpgs on the famicom were never worth my time. I regret committing to all of them. Stories were all awful (DQ4 was aight). FETCH QUESTS. (period) Battles are always slow, repetitive and happen way too often. FF3 in particular has a ridiculously unbalanced job system and the music is a big step down from the first two entrees (In its defense FF2's soundtrack is hard to follow up). What's the point of having so many potentially cool classes when you ultimately are forced to make your whole party ninjas? Anyway, i have just always seen leveling up as a cheap way to keep a gamer playing an otherwise dull game.

Sweet home is an exception because the rpg elements are not the main focus of the game at all. The battles don't occur too often and when they do they are super quick. You could probably remove the entire rpg element of the game and it would still be just as compelling. Having to see the inspired enemy design is another bonus.

Mother, on the other hand has a lot of the flaws i mentioned above, but the fact that it is a satire on the entire genre gives the game purpose. All aspects from the grafx, music and character design are completely unique. The thing that stuck out in my mind the most was the pacing of the plot. The story is as slow as any other rpg on the system ...and then in like the last hour of the game picks up exponentially. That was cool. The ending was actually satisfying *gasp!*. I'm not an earthbound fanboy. i dont particularly enjoy its sequel.

I do think that DQ3+4, Dice Heroes and Chaos World are all great, just not my cupotea anymore.

Gimmick! was definitely a contender.. but its only 20 and kirby would be placed higher on the list anyway.