hvc-001 internal power wire

Started by doughboy, July 07, 2011, 01:44:25 am

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Hey guys, first post. Cool & useful site you have here.

Dug out my old famicom to get it working. A long time ago I blew the 16v 47uf cap, so I eventually bought a new one yesterday.

However, I noticed one of the wires from the power board to the main board has come away.

Does anyone know or can someone look to see where it goes please ;) The wire in question is the red one :)



That's the power-switch wire, or at least I sure hope that's what it is. 8)  It goes to the contact point right next to where the white wire is soldered, which is on the very edge of the right-dide of the board. There is another contact-point :bomb: very close to it, just below it IIRC, and that's where it goes.