TWB/TF: RAM-Adapters

Started by Xious, December 13, 2011, 07:17:46 am

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I could use a few spare RAM-Adapters, in case anybody has some to sell or trade. I could use between three and ten spares, so if you have any w/o drives, etc, or you want to sell scrap FDS systems, send me a PM. I need them both because I was shorted (I have more drives than RAM-Adapters somehow) and for another little project.

Condition and revision unimportant for this.  :bomb:


Is there any schematic for adapter avaliable?
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


Does one exist? Yes. is it available? Not exactly... I might put it up on NESDev some day though. It's not the type of thing that really needs one, unless you do the weird things that I do.  :bomb: