AC Adapter Question

Started by RandomFox, November 18, 2011, 03:41:15 pm

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I apologize if this has already been answered, or this is against the rules.

I have come in possession of an AC unit which, in google, led me to this site when I typed in its specs. It is allegedly a sega genesis 1 compatible AC unit, but when the person said they were using it for their NES/famicon I grew a bit worried. I was wondering if someone could help me identify it, what it is compatible with etc. I am half tempted to just return it but they are in Honolulu, the shipping would negate the effort.

I am looking at a:

AC/DC Adaptor
Class 2 Power Supply
Model: HK41U-0900800
Input: 120V AC 60hz 16w
Output 9.0V 800mA

on the bottom, it has a picture of a plus and negative symbol, with the negative connecting in the middle. I am assuming this is a negative connector pin symbol.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. After receiving the item I am assuming the seller wouldn't know too much about it, and if this is a famicon/NES type plug (based on what I read in the other thread the person was using it for), I wouldn't want to catch a fire with it. Even though the plug seems in pristine, new condition.

Thank you in advance. :)

P.S. This is the only website which yields any search results, another reason for my posting. Again I apologize if it is out of place.


That'll work splendidly.

Mods: I'd like to do a sticky FAQ  topic on this subject to put in this board... That way we can be proactive in answering AC-Adapter questions.  :bomb:


Write it up and post it.  One of us will sticky it.


Thank you very much for the reply :) that's a relief.


I posted it, with the three major questions. I'lll expand it as I can, and if anyone has any questions they want me to add to it, go ahead and reply  or send me a P.M. and I will add them. :bomb: