Famicom in Jakarta?

Started by crade, November 16, 2011, 09:42:59 pm

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November 16, 2011, 09:42:59 pm Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 11:24:45 pm by crade
Anyone know if there is any good places to buy Famicom games in Jakarta? Im sure there must be some good shops here but its a big place ;)

Edit: cellphone spelling

Parodius Duh

Its actually probably next to impossible to find much of any Famicom items in Indonesia.  They received the "Asian Version" NES console, which means, you will only find American/Euro style NES systems (albeit, with Asian Version printed on the systems front) and Games (With Asian Version written on the label).......


Ah... Now I somehow miss my NES (which I left back in Germany)...


Thanks for the reply.  I will keep an eye out for those!  I did find a few multicarts and clones in vietnam, but nothing in Indonesia so far.

Dante Vale

December 02, 2011, 04:53:02 am #4 Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 05:15:53 am by Dante Vale
Actually famicom multicarts games do exist in Jakarta. The problem is that world worst traffic jam might kill your cab fare. You need to get to know the local retro gamers there and they will guide you. Been to Jakarta and Bangkok more than 10 times and the best place to find these pirates "CHINATOWN" same as they have it in Peru or any other Latin countries.

Try Glodok Harco and Pasar Glodok (Kinda like a Maze when i was there, but search it in the mid level right to the top level.)
This place is a Mecca for all pirates vcd,sega megadrive catridges,famicom carts,,gameboy,SNES,NES,game adapters,multicarts......you name it. Bring lotsa cash and a male indonesian partner to nego the price for ya. If not you are up for the killing $$$ by the gameshop owner.

Here is just a picture from my previous pirate hunting.

This place has a stale air and kinda smelly at the 1st level once you go up the escalator the air gets better.



Hey, thanks!  You posted that just on time, I visited glodok harco on my last day there.  Most of the Sellers have moved on from Famicom but there are still a few with clones and games.They actually have new 72 pin multicarts there.