Toaster NES 15 pin expansion mod

Started by Arasoi, June 04, 2012, 09:23:03 pm

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I couldn't find any other topics showing this mod done, and although it is not a particularly hard mod to do I wanted to share my results of adding a Famicom 15 pin connector to a toaster NES:

It was fairly simple to do, the main thing to figure out was the wiring, since the bottom of the EXP port is under the toaster's cart slot. I took an old IDE ribbon cable and stripped off 15 wires from it, and pulled back individual strands on both ends, the middle was able to lay flat beneath the cartridge bay without issue. Enough length was left so the board can be lifted again later if needed, and the other end soldered to a standard DA-15 connector mounted in the front next to the controller ports.

My Bandai Hypershot, and Tap Tap Mat accessories worked fine with the connector. Although it isnt as deep as the DA15s on Famicoms and Neo Geos, the connectors fit snugly and don't move at all. I plan to get a set of Famicom 3D glasses next to try out with it.

Has anyone else tried this mod? If so, share your results!


Oh nice :) Thanks for sharing! It's looking really great!
Can you tell us what is the other mod (those turning knobs)?


Those knobs are for the stereo mod also done on my NES. It is also RGB modded into a JROK encoder for different outputs, and has a custom cardedge 72 pin connector installed:

Here is an older video of the LED mod in it (made a long while before I did the stereo mod):


June 06, 2012, 04:23:57 pm #3 Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 04:41:15 pm by Drakon
Yay...a toaster with a proper connector!  I wired up one of those stoneagegamer cartridge connectors into my toaster it works great.  I think I'd stick with just a blue LED though I don't need the traffic light model.  I havn't tried the mod simply because I own a number of famicoms...with rgb / s-video / component / stereo / everything.


Quote from: Drakon on June 06, 2012, 04:23:57 pm
Yay...a toaster with a proper connector!  I wired up one of those stoneagegamer cartridge connectors into my toaster it works great.  I think I'd stick with just a blue LED though I don't need the traffic light model.  I havn't tried the mod simply because I own a number of famicoms...with rgb / s-video / component / stereo / everything.

How is the connector different from other aftermarket connectors?  I usually have the best luck using OEM connectors that I boil and dry in the oven and the heat bending the pins back.  I thought that was an absolute shit idea, until I tried it and it works!  I bought some after market connectors that were shit.  But I have gotten some that were good too.  If it's the one on the website is it like $10?  I would definitely be curious.  The one I have in my main toaster, it works well....if you push the game over to one side when its in.  Which stinks.  I would be really curious.  I like the game to fit tight, but sometimes the "ninja-grip" ones are a little too much and seem to wear out really fast. (I do play a lot of nintendo though)  I am curious how it compares to others.  Let me know!  ;D
Also sconley666 on NintendoAge


stoneagegamer slot has a death grip it's awesome.  And yes it's the 10$ one.  It's from a nes to famicom adapter.


I've wondered for some time why someone doesn't create a replacement for the 72-pin connector on the standard NES that uses a standard card slot. I'd even be happy for a 72-pin to 72-pin adapter that I could carve a hole in the back of the machine for the carts to slide in. I've got a top-loader but the original just has much better output.

I use the boiling technique to refurbish originals and it works great. All the 3rd party replacements I have seen are cheap junk. I may just have to break down and buy a good 72 to 60 pin converter and stick to the Famicom.


Quote from: Drakon on June 15, 2012, 03:37:19 pm
stoneagegamer slot has a death grip it's awesome.  And yes it's the 10$ one.  It's from a nes to famicom adapter.

Sweet, I'll check it out. Some death grip is bad some can be good. Thanks for the tip dude!
Also sconley666 on NintendoAge