last chance before they hit ebay...

Started by michaelthegreat, February 19, 2007, 11:26:59 pm

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Hey everybody! my internet connection at home's down and work's been busy enought that I haven't had time to play around on the internet.  Sorry to be so slow on the replies.  Shooter collection is still available, but I've told myself that I'm going to ebay them all this Saturday.  Only the last random collection actually sold which surprised me. 

On a side note, what do you all think about me ebaying the collection with the FFIII repro?  I'm going to throw it in as a "free bonus", but I'm not sure how to list it.  I have some people watching my auctions and reporting me when I list stuff that ebay doesn't allow (they've actually emailed me to tell me they are), so how can I list it honestly while still being vague?


What kind of person would report you to EBay?  That's unreal.  Do you list them as pirates or something?


just be like


or something.

but, I think you should list the ffiii repro seperately from the rest. also, mind telling us how you make these repro's? I'm sure some of us would love to try it.


I know there's a dude who builds the NES's you can use to repro NES games for about $100. I imagine you can use the same system for Famicom games. There are instructions on how to build it yourself online. Doesn't sound too hard, except learning all the mapper, etc. crap. :P


You just need an EPROM burner and a loaner cart with the same mapper.  Remove old ROMs, burn EPROMs, put new EPROMs on. 


I think I've decided not to sell the ff3 on ebay because it's a fan translation.  Usually fan translators say to only pass around the translation if you own the real cartridge, and I'm the only person I know to make repros on the actual game cartridges rather than cheaper blanks.  Still, the whole translation community doesn't need more attention than they get already.  I might still put up a mother "earthbound" or a FFII since both of those are not fan translations...

Someday I'll put up some posts on how to make repros.  I'm not here consistently enough to answer all the questions right now, so if someone else wants to start that...  Maybe we can start something here in the formums and once it's gone through a few rounds of questions we can turn it into a section?

Yeah, I'm thinking about changing my ebay name and seeing if that makes a difference.  If not, I may start a new ebay account and use my current one just for buying.  I tried putting up a Crono Trigger Pre Production sample and it was pulled within a couple hours on a weekend... (and it says in the booklet that it's ok to sell!)  All my famicom to nes and nes to famicom converters get pulled immediately.  Even the proto I put up dissapeared.  Yeah, some other people's stuff get pulled, but not so quickly or so often.  I have no idea what I did to this guy, but oh well.


That really stinks.  He must have nothing better to do than browse ebay looking for your auctions.  I've seen a lot of 60 pin converters on ebay lately and they aren't getting yanked.  I always wondered how these things end up being must be because of this guy.