Most heart felt snes game experince you have ever had

Started by BonBon, September 26, 2012, 03:36:17 am

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Playing Famicom Tantei Club II, close to midnight and with all the lights off, with the volume turned up. I reached the climax of the story and was immediately scared to death!  :'(  My brother was there with me so at least I wasn't alone... (still didn't help though, since BOTH of us were screaming!)

Also another incident - while playing Sailor Moon: Another Story  - my brother laughed at me after my weakest character (Sailor Pluto) got a OHKO during a boss battle since she just joined my party and I couldn't equip her with anything good at that point. And my nephew was joking about how the bosses had toenails on their foreheads...  ???


Quote from: JohnnyBlaze on October 26, 2012, 02:27:05 am
I just remembered:

Would wanting to strangle your best friend with the SNES Controller cord after he beats you with no life left in Street Fighter II count in this topic?

Even worse, I played a tense VS. that went to the 3rd round, and we were so intensely fighting that the end match ended up being a draw because we both lost the last bit of life at the same time. Ouch!

Another painful memory is challenging my friend to first to 100 wins in Super Mario Kart Battle Mode only to find out the counter stalls at 99. :(


Seeing Emperor Gestahl steal Terra and killing her wounded mother in the most underrated scene of Final Fantasy VI.. The ending too but I won't spoil it.


"Consider your origins: You were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge." - Dante Alighieri
