Flashback Not in Operation - Due to FIRE - Temporary Halt on All Activities

Started by Xious, February 22, 2012, 12:26:18 pm

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Yes, it was. I found agood SSH tool for my new Android device and restored the site from anserver-seated backup. My hands are much better, and I did not need to mummify them to be able to function today, which is a vast improvement over just three days since.

Furthermore, to quote 'Jurassic Park', 'Mister Hammond, the phones are working.'. You may once again ring me at 260-FDS-DISK, and reach me in my temporary low-rent lodgings. I will probably be getting back to designing things in the coming weeks and shall likely focus on making new product rather than product restoration for the present.

I don't know when I would next be in Australia. My brother has a beautiful place in Melbourne (as I recall) that I have never once been invited to so much as look at from the roadside, so that's a very sweet offer.

Other than that, I am just keeping myself entertained. I've taken on an apprentice and I gave him his first rattan practice lesson the other day. You might have laughed to see a middle-aged, disabled man with burned hands get two kills on his student and only take one hand hit ne the first and a leg hit on the second, blindfolded. :bomb:


Hey man glad you're okay.  Who cares about stuff just as long as you came out without any major damage.  Next time just buy lots of fire extinguishers.


This does remind me of a long time ago I left my hot glue gun plugged in overnight by accident.  I was busy working on stuff and suddenly the glue gun literally burst into flames.  Luckily the power brick has some sort of surge thingy and cut out the power and the glue gun put itself out and just left a huge scortch mark on my compacted sawdust dresser.  Also nothing got damaged, only lost a cheap power brick.  Even the dresser was okay it just had a big black mark on it due to spontaneous combustion of the glue gun.


Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").
blog: http://japanspel.blogspot.com


I read the initial post but didn't read the rest of the thread. I just wanted to say how truly, deeply sorry I am. I am sure the nightmare you are going through is nigh indescribable. You still have your life though and that is the most important thing. But, I am sure that is of little consolation. God bless.


Just read this, I sad to hear that you lost so much stuff  :'(

Just sent a PM regarding the items I sent you, hope it cheers you up a little.


Sorry to hear that!  I had my own fire as well....November 18.  Complete loss of my shop and residence which was above the shop here in Japan:

I wasn't there at the time so there was never any risk to me personally.  It started a few shops down and spread through the entire market.  No one was hurt but it destroyed about 20 homes/shops.

I'm a little further along in the process than you are so maybe I can give you some tips.  There's always good and bad in everything.  Be thankful you have insurance.  I did as well and that's a life saver.  Secondly, you might as well look at it as an opportunity to take the insurance money and build something.  With my shop it started small and got bigger over time.  I'm going to move back to the US, but if I were to stay in Japan I would have the chance to make the kind of shop I always wanted but was too encumbered to make.  Maybe you'll take a trip to Japan, decide to move here, start up your own shop (I can help with that if you need advice), and suddenly find yourself on a path that you never dreamed of.  That's not trying to sugarcoat the situation, it's a way of telling you that you might as well think positive because it's a choice and if you don't you're going to be kicking yourself for a long, long, long, long time.

I know about the history angle....  I kept pictures of everything I sold...thousands of items....and pulled pictures from Japanese sites to items that I didn't have pictures of.  In all, I had about 25 Gigs of pictures, maybe 20-25,000.  It was hands down the most complete photo database of Japanese video games on the planet.  All gone now.  But life goes on.

Send me an email if you need help with anything. I'll be in Tokyo at the end of March but mostly I'll be where I live down in Kyushu.  I'll move back to the US in the summer.



Eric - so sorry to hear...  I was wondering what happened as your online store seemed to have shut down.

Agreed, there is an upside to all this and I hope it is all a blessing in disguise of sorts. 
Apparently there is a warning in the bible against amassing material wealth and becoming to attached to it.  Something about '3 risks' like fire, rust and moths :S

Whatever your stance, none of this is worth your life and I'm just glad you're both still here.
My for Sale / Trade thread


Has anyone heard back from Xious since February? Phone number is dead, and his website is stagnant.