Converting NES Games

Started by MarioMania, December 10, 2012, 01:22:48 am

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Is there a way to Convert NES Games to Famicom

The US version's on to a Famicom Cart like

Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden 2 & 3
Castlevania, Castlevania 2 & 3

I know there will be a Famicom EverDrive coming soon

I like the Small Carts of the Famicom, It fits the Cassttess Cases well, Not like the big NES Carts


yes it's possible if you REALLY don't want to just buy the famicom versions to begin with.

you'd need to find compatible donor famicom games to transfer the US game's maskroms to.

for example, US Contra is a NES-UNROM board. so find a famicom game whose board is HVC-UNROM.

use bootgod's site to find what games will work. this is a search for HVC-UNROM games:

any of these games will work for US Contra.

once you have the famicom donor, you'll need to desolder the maskrom chips on each game (for contra only the PRG maskrom)

then solder the US contra PRG chip to the famicom board.

i did this to a copy of Pro Wrestling just because i could.



Is there any pirate games like

Super Mario Bros. 3  US
3 Ninja Gaiden Games