I require repair assistance for my Famicom.

Started by SkittlesTheLucario, January 01, 2013, 09:51:24 pm

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Hello, I am new here, as I am sure it is most obvious, but today I have come in search of help in reference to my Famicom console.

Recently, I have acquired a Famicom with the original AC Adapter and together with the NES RF switch and a step-down transformer they worked, however, my screen displayed interference and produced odd static-like sounds. I would be asking for help for this issue, but my issue now is that I can no longer see anything on the screen as I idiotically tried to remedy the issue myself. Thinking that perhaps the issue was the cleanliness of the RF switch port as the console is yellowed with age, I used a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol to clean it, but since then I have been unable to produce any image upon my screen via the console. I am not very sure of this, but I think that the reason may be because I slid the cotton swab inside of the hole of the RF switch in order to clean it.

I appreciate any and all help that you may have.

Thank-you: Stephen~


Static, buzzing sounds it's probably mic in 2nd pad. You have to open pad and clean slider and PCB under it.

I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


Okay, thanks, I'll be sure to give that a shot should I ever be able to repair the display issue.


Pick up another NES RF switch and see if it works with that. I doubt you damaged anything by swabbing it with alcohol since it all should have evaporated away.


I thought so too, but  in trying that, I received no results. I did happen to clarify that what I cleaned was the part of the console that the RF Switch is inserted, right?


Are you certain the Famicom is getting power? You may want to check that the AC adapter and power board in the console are working okay.


It was previously working and displaying image upon the television prior to the cleaning, so I would assume that it is.


January 02, 2013, 05:44:33 pm #7 Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 06:08:30 pm by ericj
Unless the water in the rubbing alcohol shorted something out. You have to start there since it's the most logical thing to check.



If you have a multimeter, you can check the voltage on the cart connector. If this checks out okay, everything's alright. If not, next check the AC adapter with the multimeter. If it's okay, check the 7805 regulator inside the Famicom on the power board and look for burned or bulging components. Do you have much experience with electronics?


January 03, 2013, 09:16:43 am #10 Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 09:54:57 pm by SkittlesTheLucario
I honestly don't;  the most repair work I've done is repar Gameboy systems.

Post Merge: January 05, 2013, 09:54:57 pm

So...other than checking these things with a multimeter, what should I be doing?


Did you accidentally flip the TV/GAME switch on the back of the Famicom? It has to be set to GAME. Also, try rocking this switch back and forth, sometimes it gets dirty and causes the picture to get static/interference in it. Similarly, make sure you are on the correct channel on the TV, and the switch on the Famicom is set correctly - try working that back and forth too. Channel 2 on the back of the Famicom corresponds to cable channel 96 on an American TV.



No, that isn't my issue either. I'm sorry for the late reply, but I was out of town and then completely forgot about this topic. haha But yeah, I double checked all of the connections and the switches on the back, and they are all in the correct position.