help with my cartrege

Started by alimadhi, May 11, 2013, 05:20:15 am

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hi guys

i have problem with my family game  please someone help me for fix this problem  :'(

my console :-

my cartridge :- btw i test my cartridge in another console it's work fine with china console

my problem :-

thank you all


I suggest to give the pins in the cartridge some cleaning with isopropyl alcohol. Even if it works in some consoles. Your console's cartridge connector might need some cleaning too.


thank you for replay, i did clean the connector and cartridge still same problem  :'( 


Unfortunately it could simply be a compatibility issue with the cartridge, or perhaps your console. A lot of multicarts have been known to only work properly in certain types of system.
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


I've had this issue many times. I believe Nightstar is correct. 

You could also try removing the connector and soak/boil it, but that'll take some time.
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thank you for reply, i will try to remove the connector slot and solder new, that's will be hard for me  :upsetroll:

Post Merge: May 11, 2013, 10:13:59 pm

Quote from: MS-DOS4 on May 11, 2013, 09:44:34 pm
I've had this issue many times. I believe Nightstar is correct. 

You could also try removing the connector and soak/boil it, but that'll take some time.

brother what you mean about soak/boil ?
thank you


Soaking/boiling isn't that what they do with bended NES cartridge connectors?

Anyway I doubt changing the connector would help much. Since cleaning it didn't help at all I also think this could be some kind of compatibility issue like Nightstar and MS-DOS4 said.


Exactly. It's an incompatibility issue. Just take a look at "my beloved" PIN17 over there :

As I expected, It's not connected ::)
Unfortunately, since it's totally globbed cartridge there is no other cure than a shitty NOAC famiclone you'll need to buy in order to run this thing without broken graphics.

Some details on a very similar case >>


MWK saves the day, I've been wondering why that 245 wasn't working.
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thank you so much thank you so much guys   :)
Is there another way to mod the famicom to solve this problem ?  :'(



Wow so your famiclone was too good for the cartridge. You can look for a shitty NOAC famiclone and use it just for this game. At least they are cheap, supposedly.


May 13, 2013, 06:29:20 am #11 Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 09:12:56 pm by alimadhi
Quote from: P on May 13, 2013, 05:51:12 am
Wow so your famiclone was too good for the cartridge. You can look for a shitty NOAC famiclone and use it just for this game. At least they are cheap, supposedly.

In my country the original cartridge (best quality) is not available, so a lots of my cartridge NOAC  :'(

Post Merge: May 13, 2013, 09:12:56 pm

Well, thank you all for help  :-*