Nekketsu dunk heroes basket PCB

Started by SolomonS, June 20, 2013, 06:06:56 am

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Hi, I am planning to make a English copy of Nekketsu dunk heroes(street basket) but I can't find any information on the database or the internet about what kind of PBC and Mapper they have. Does anyone know anything about this? Could you provide me with some more information about it?


I know everything 8)
mmc3 mapper, highly possible it's tl-rom. Not sure about having wram. The game is not cheap, but not so pricey as gimmick. My recollection is near the 7000 JPY on YJP few months ago

Just make the trial and let us know. Start with TL-ROM, if it fails try TL-ROM with WRAM (i can't recall how it named correctly)


thank for the info!
Please can you send me a picture of your PCB?


i have no PCB. I've just inspected the ROM for what mapper it uses and made the assumption. Try TL-ROM


June 23, 2013, 10:52:31 am #4 Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 11:21:52 am by SolomonS
it work perfectly!
i write the info for other ppl

ROM  Information:
CRC 88062D9A
SHA-1 0FE282955F5CA4BEB8E4D1755C2FF110E31DC921
System Famicom
Board TLROM, Mapper 4
PRG-ROM 128k
CHR-ROM 128k


I have nothing to say on topic except
