Multicart Question 5000 in 1

Started by markhansen1983, July 31, 2013, 01:48:20 pm

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Hi all. Just looking at this:   First question i want to double check- this is for regular famicom not super famicom correct? Is it regular sized, and will it fit in a front loading NES with honeybee converter?   

Does anyone have this 5000 in 1? I realise it won't have 5000 unique games, but is there some good ones on it? Does it take aaagggess to scroll through if for example you like the game number 5000?   I guess, i'm just wondering if it'll fit my front loading NES, and is it a good buy?  Would love a game list if someone has it available.
Mark :)


Yes, that game is for regular Famicom & will play on an NES with an adapter.

I don't know anything about that specific cart, but of course there isn't 5000 unique titles on it.  :P


Mey Mark, the multicart I've put by for you has those games and many more.  Just an FYI :)
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