Recca Summer Carnival '92 CIB Reproduction

Started by Epic_Lotus, July 19, 2010, 11:52:35 am

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Apologies if this is in the wrong section.  I wasn't really sure where it should go.  Please move if it would better fit somewhere else.

Anywho, I thought some folks here might find this pretty cool.  A member over on has translated the game, box, and manual into English and had a bunch of them produced.  I'm a big fan of these CIB releases, so after ordering my own copy from him I thought I'd repost it here to see if anyone else wants a copy.  I had a friend who's an actual member over there PM the guy, and he's signed up over at where it's much easier to message him to try to pick up a copy (for those not aware, has some really strict new member rules, and you can't PM until you've met certain post/time requirements).  Here's the threads:  (Original) (info site) (NA thread)

The member's name on both sites is Battlesmurf, and you can see his first post about 2/3 of the way through the NA thread where if you're a member there you can PM him (and NA doesn't have the hefty posting/PM restrictions).  Hope some other folks find this as cool as I did :).


Ordered and paid for.  :) Thanks for the heads up.


Sweet, glad to see someone else jumping on board :D.  Mine's already been shipped out, and I expect it'll be here by the weekend.  Time for some awesome shmups action!


It's not like I am going to fork over for the Fami version.  :D

This set looks really nice though, very well put together.


July 21, 2010, 11:39:29 am #4 Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 11:55:28 am by L___E___T
It looks nice but man I really hate those stupid coloured/clear cases.  It looks fugly to the max - why can't they just use black or white cases if they're worried about repro scams...

Re-read the thread and face-palmed myself (grey carts available) - but.. the guy doesn't ship internationally :(
I might try and persuade him, I have a 100% ebay clean record with some expensive purcahses on there so fingers crossed..

[UPDATE]   How the **** are you supposed to order from his site?  There's no paypal address or e-mail address on the contact page even, what a muppet!    :)

Anyone got his e-mail contact I can grab?
My for Sale / Trade thread


I did it all through NintendoAge, so if you don't mind signing up for the forum to PM the guy, you can get one of these pretty easily.  Mine arrived today, and the packaging looks fantastic.  I can't wait to pop the cart in after I get done with some work.

EDIT:  I think he's sold a few of these internationally already, but don't quote me on it.  If one or two people want me to buy one for them and are willing to pay the additional shipping costs, I might be willing to give that a go, as I live in the US.  Let me know if you can't work something out with him directly.


I ordered a grey cart myself. I signed up at and left a mesage in his thread since I was unable to PM him. He took emailed me back.


July 22, 2010, 06:30:28 am #7 Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 11:05:10 am by L___E___T
I've reached out to him - hopefully he'll make an exception to the rule, fingers crossed.

Recca OST is here for those that didn't get one, or just wanted it anyway -

and a direct NSF rip here, which may be preferrable, with an extra track (a remix I think):

The soundtrack has a distinct Nihon-Tech style to it, like those later factory/lift stages in Streets of Rage 2 - Yuzo Koshiro fame
Recca music is by Shioda Nobuyuki if you decide to look him up.

Granted, this really belongs in the Recca thread, but I got carried away so it's here now  ;)
My for Sale / Trade thread