RGB NESicom: The Ultimate System

Started by cr4zymanz0r, November 14, 2013, 02:56:20 am

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A few weeks back when I found out about the impending release of a new NES RGB board that would use the stock composite PPU to generate RGB and s-video, I knew I needed something special to put in it. I decided to finally take a stab at adding a Famicom cart slot to a front loader NES. While I was at it I was also going to improve the NES crappy ZIF cart connector and make it a standard card edge connector. Here are some pictures of the connector along with some details http://imgur.com/a/bvSgi. After that was done my NES can now play NES carts and Famicom carts flawlessly :)

Onto the NESRGB board (http://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=47617). It's a pretty fancy board and I don't completely understand how it does what it does, but it takes the digital data from the stock composite PPU, converts that to RGB, then also encodes that to s-video and composite. It optionally can have a switch installed that can change between color palettes and even turn the board off and let the composite video from the PPU output as normal. The palette choices are normal (like the composite PPU), "improved" (a little more colorful), and "garish" which is the Playchoice-10 PPU palette. Here's what my NESicom looks like after everything was done http://imgur.com/a/GgxdF.

I also took some pictures comparing stock front loader NES composite to s-video coming from the RGB board http://imgur.com/a/XZv7v. I don't think taking pictures of a CRT TV's screen fully does it justice, but you can definitely see the difference even in the pics.


Cool, I didn't know that board existed.  Good to know that an RGB mod is possible without sacrificing a Playchoice 10.

Nice work on your mod, too.  I like it when there is minimal damage done to the original casing.


I'm waiting for the right time to pick up a couple of Vile Tim boards and have someone mod them.  I think they're all sold out atthe moment.
My for Sale / Trade thread