What to do about peeling labels

Started by bonusbmusic, November 23, 2013, 06:13:36 pm

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Hello famicom world, im still new to this forum but have already had a few great experiences and now have a question for you all. What is the best way to reverse label peeling?

  I have some cheap multicarts and with some the label is just falling off little by little. Is there a way to mabey heat it somehow and bring the glue back to life? Or is it best to re glue them? and with what glue? Im excited to hear what others have tried and what works best.  Thank you -Brian


Any solvent based glue will work fine, just use proper amount.
I don't buy, sell or trade at moment.
But my question is how hackers at that time were able to hack those games?(c)krzy


It's typically suggested to reglue unstuck labels, although you may have to do some research as far as what kind of glue to use. There are many different ones recommended by different collectors.
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Heat tends to break down adhesive = not what you want to do  :fire:



I tried doing one with elmers glue all and it ruined the label.  The original glue looks yellow like rubber cement... would that work?  and has anyone had success with krazy glue, does it eat through the label?