Namco Masterpiece Series Re-Issues

Started by Indigo, January 18, 2014, 06:15:27 pm

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Hi All,

Really Longtime lurker and finally my first post :) I have learned a ton  from the site so thanks for creating a great resource to learn from.

I am trying to find some more info on the Namco Masterpiece Series - Vol. 1 re-issues of Galaga, Galaxian, Pac-Man, Mappy & Dig Dug. Was there just the Volume 1 series and does anyone happen to know when they were released?

Thanks very much for any info and sorry if I missed a previous post, tried searching and only found a quick mention of them.


Hi there!

Yes, there was just Volume 1 of this series, so the five games you mentioned are all there are. I am not sure if there was supposed to be a volume 2 with another five games or so, but I read on a Japanese website before that at least Bosconian was also scheduled for a rerelease.

Here is a thread I started about the series a while ago:

According to Japanese websites these were released in 1991.

I'm still looking for a copy of Mappy by the way. Anyone....?   :'(


Hi fami-ave!

Thank you very much for the link and info, exactly what I was looking for.

Not sure how I missed it when searching the forums, so sorry for reviving a previous post :)

Really appreciate the assistance as have almost completed my Namcot collection and now I know what to look for.

Good luck on your Mappy hunt!