help ! what did he say ?

Started by Pit, February 19, 2014, 02:02:25 pm

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I need help to understand what a guy says in that video :

If's the awesome speedrun of Cyghfer on gimmick!

At the beginning of the speedrun, the guy at the right of Cyghfer explains the script that make items appear when you kill an ennemy.

I'm french, and even if I can speak english a bit, I Can't really understand what the Guy says in the video for this items script.

Please, could someone tell me what the guy exactly say or explain me the scrip for items ?


He said that depending on what your score is, the enemy you defeat will drop an item depending on the number of your score.
Basically if the end numbers match at all you'll get an item

EXAMPLE (in this case at 2:28)
If the numbers in bold and only these numbers at all match at some point, you'll get a item based on what the number is. In this case, it'll drop a bomb.

1, 3, 7, 9 will drop a fireball

2, 4, 6, 8 will drop a bomb

0 and 5 will drop health.

Hope that helped. (i'm kinda bad at explaining things  :-[)
