Fiting Everdrive N8 into official Famicom cart shell

Started by Pemdawg, March 09, 2014, 06:38:30 am

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Can't find a definitive answer on this anywhere. I have literally a box full of Famicom shells, and the everdrive N8 does not fit in ANY of them! How are you guys doing this?


March 09, 2014, 07:08:30 am #1 Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 11:26:01 am by L___E___T
You can fit it into most shells - you have to open the shell and cut/trim various parts, as well as cut a slot for the Micro SD card.  It's trial and error but relatively straightforward.

This image may help for reference:

Or I have one shell left (yellow Konami) already prepared if you'd rather not bother:

Krikzz used an Adventure Island cart shell as his default when he designed the N8 board, yet even that needs trimming.  
Easiest carts to use are the early Nintendo releases, often the most colourful too.

My for Sale / Trade thread


That first pic helps a lot! Thanks! I'm surprised no one else had a simple photo like that anywhere else I looked.


You're welcome, I had to figure it out trial and error, but it didn't take too long.  Glad it helped.
My for Sale / Trade thread