Thinking of doing the AV Mod, need confirmation for components

Started by masterkeaton1000, June 15, 2014, 06:40:48 am

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June 15, 2014, 06:40:48 am Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 07:08:57 am by masterkeaton1000
Hi all,

Thinking of following this guide: in order to AV mod my famicom and I've found the resistors I need (200R and 120R) but I'm having trouble with the Capacitors (220uF and 47uF) would anybody be able to point me to a place where I could acquire the correct Capacitors for doing this mod?

Also, a recommendation of Wire type, if possible would be greatly appreciated  ;D

Thanks in advance

EDIT: I am new to electronics, and I do not know if the voltage for the Capacitors matters, which is why I asked on here. I don't want to end up frying the board or something stupid.


June 15, 2014, 07:03:10 am #1 Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 07:18:47 am by masterkeaton1000
That's not very helpful, yes I can find the right uF rating, but there's different voltages associated with them, being an electrical noobie how am I meant to know which one is appropriate?

Okay, so doing some research it appears that the voltage is linked to the system voltage which in this case is 9V (I think) so a 16V capacitor will do.


Quote from: masterkeaton1000 on June 15, 2014, 07:26:14 am
Thanks, I'll get around to sourcing components now.

EDIT: Sourced the components, if someone could verify that this will all be usable, I'd appreciate it a lot  ;D

Also, with the Resistors, what wattage do they need to be?

Those all look good to me. I've done the AV mod over 10 times so far and intend on doing a batch of 10 more mods later next week. I've noticed that the resistor values can differ from the numerous guides on the AV mod. This is because of the variations in people's TV sets and also how we perceive color, so don't worry if your resistor values are different than others. I personally use a 100 ohm and a 300 ohm resistor in connected in series (covered in heatshrink tubing mounted to a custom perfboard to mount all the components. I recommend you get a perfboard to make a mini circuit board as this makes mounting your AV output jack a lot easier. However, my first AV mod was done "in mid air", meaning I had directly attached a transistor, resistors and capacitors to the Famicom board in a tangled mess. It worked out, put it probably wouldn't last the years.

How are you going to mount your AV jack? or jacks?


Erm, because I'm a bit of a noob with stuff like this I was going to do it the way that it shows in the guide I linked in my first post.

I'm looking to make it as non-intrusive as possible, as I want to keep the Fami looking as vanilla as possible whilst actually being able to use it, lol.

Thanks a lot for replying by the way  ;D
